Korean rapper Swings discharged from the military to focus on psychiatric treatment

Korean rapper Swings has been discharged from the military in order to focus on his treatment and rehabilitation. 

On September 11th, Swings broke the news through his official Facebook page and revealed that he was discharged from active military service after being considered unsuitable. The discharge was 11 months early from his original enlistment plan after starting his training in November last year.

He also stated that after suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and bipolar disorder since he was child, the symptoms of his conditions occur most during periods of stress. Despite taking his medications and receiving psychiatric treatment, his symptoms gradually worsened which eventually affected his training.

As a result, he was discharged from the military and will focus on his treatment for the next 11 months. He clarified that he will not be active in any promotions and promised to see his fans next year instead.

Back in November, it was reported that Swings continued with his plans to enlist in the military as an active duty soldier despite receiving an exemption due to his condition.

Source: Dispatch

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