Korean TV Show “I Live Alone” Apologizes For The Controversial Episode And Assures Viewers “There’s No Bullying”

“We should have explained the situation better…”

Following the recent controversy sparked by a “prank” pulled on webtoonist Kian84 in a previous episode, the South Korean television show I Live Alone‘s production team has issued an official apology.

The cast of “I Live Alone.” | @MBC_entertain/Twitter

The show received fierce backlash after Kian84’s countryside party got “canceled” without letting the webtoonist know—and only Jun Hyun Moo showed up when Kian84 had expected for many more guests and prepared thoroughly for them. The episode captured Kian84 expressing a great deal of disappointment. After the episode aired, I Live Alone viewers pointed out that this “prank has definitely crossed the line” and is even inappropriate to show on television. Some even accused the other cast members of “bullying” Kian84.

Kian84 after being told that no one else is coming to the “party,” on the previous episode of “I Live Alone.” | MBC

Via an update on Instagram, the I Live Alone production team clarified that there is no bullying among the cast members…

Hello, this is the production team of ‘I Live Alone.’

We apologize to those of you who felt offended by the previous ‘Hyun Moo And Kian’s Summer Vacation’ episode.

It is not true that the cast members don’t get along. There is no bullying going on. It is the production team’s fault for not having notified Kian about the change. We should have explained the situation better, but we failed to do so while shooting the episode. We promise we will do better going forward.

— “I Live Alone” Production Team

…and pled that the online criticism aimed at the individual cast members come to a stop.

In addition, please understand that the individual cast members are not at fault for what happened. Please stop leaving malicious comments toward the members.

Thank you for watching and supporting ‘I Live Alone.’ Again, we will strive to do better so that you can continue to watch us improve.

— “I Live Alone” Production Team

In addition, the most recent episode of I Live Alone showed cast members promising Kian84 a legitimate party when COVID-19 restrictions in Korea are lifted and they have more freedom to engage in indoor/outdoor activities as they wish.

Kian84: I hope we get to do this over soon.

Hwasa: Yeah, I can’t wait to go on a trip with everyone.

Key: It’s going to be so fun.

Jun Hyun Moo: Once COVID-19 is over… especially since Kian84 didn’t really get to have his party this time…

Key: He didn’t get a party.

Jun Hyun Moo: …we’ll be sure to throw him a real celebration, all together. Right?

Key: Yes and I love doing group activity with all of you. You know I didn’t get to have a welcome party to the show either!

Park Na Rae: You’re right.

Kian84: So next time, we’ll definitely go as the whole group, with Key and our newest member Jae Jung too.

Meanwhile, according to a news investigation by Star News, the Korea Communications Standards Commission has since received a civil complaint filed against the show. After the complaint is reviewed by the commission, a suitable action will be decided upon.

Source: THEQOO (1) and (2)
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