Attendees Accuse KCON USA Of False Advertisement, Among Other Issues

Day one has barely begun.

KCON USA is currently being accused of false advertisement by festival attendees.


Since the initial artist announcement, fans have been waiting in anticipation for KCON USA 2023. The three-day celebration of “all things Hallyu” boasts a line-up including ATEEZNCT‘s TaeyongIVE, and Stray Kids.


Besides the concerts, the convention is another significant part of the KCON experience.  Attendees can experience many things, including meet-ups with other fans and informative panels.

However, there have already been some issues with KCON USA as its first day begins.

KCON USA first triggered worries from fans the day before the festivities were set to begin with a Tweet of the event’s timetable. While this was nothing out of the ordinary, a message mentioning that admission to the convention could be restricted based on capacity caught attention.

To access the convention center where the convention takes place, one must go through the typical line experience. Unfortunately, as day one progressed, several attendees reported that the line was so long that they would potentially miss events inside the center.

Many groups performing during the concert, and several that are not, are scheduled to have special events during the convention.

An unannounced detail of the meet & greet events also angered fans. As initially advertised by KCON, each meet & greet “A” package was to include a hi-touch, or hi-five, with the corresponding artist.


During IVE’s meet & greet event, fans were surprised to see plexiglass shields placed on stage, with the artists standing behind them.  Last year, the meet & greets occurred similarly but were advertised as hi-waves rather than hi-touch events.

Meet & greet events at KCON Thailand and KCON Japan did not include plexiglass separators, leading fans to believe KCON USA would not either.

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Fans have begun calling out KCON, saying that this sudden addition to the “hi-touch” event is “false advertisement.”

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