K-Pop Stores Worldwide Join RIIZE Boycott 

Fans have reached out to their local shops.

It was recently announced that Seunghan would depart from RIIZE. The news shocked many as it was announced that Seunghan would return to schedules two days prior.

As a result, many fans have felt disappointed and angry over the circumstances surrounding his withdrawal.


In the immediate aftermath, fans began planning a boycott of RIIZE. This boycott consists of not engaging in any content RIIZE releases, unfollowing the group on social media, and avoiding purchases from brands the group endorses.

The boycott has already seen results and other K-Pop fandoms, and even some outside of K-Pop, have shown support for Seunghan.

RIIZE Lose A Significant Amount Of Followers As K-Pop Fandoms Protest Seunghan’s Withdrawal

Another important part of the boycott involves not purchasing any albums or merchandise the group releases, and many fans have already cancelled their pre-orders of RIIZE’s recently released MD.

Unexpectedly, this aspect of the boycott has been escalated by K-Pop album suppliers.

On various social media platforms, multiple K-Pop retailers have announced that they will not be placing further orders of RIIZE merchandize once their current stocks are depleted. Shops like those based in North America, including SubK Shop, EvePink and LightUpK have shared announcements.

Several large shops in Europe have also shared they will not be restocking RIIZE merchandize due to the current circumstances as well. Fans in Asia have also gotten responses from local shops agreeing to not restock or to cease sales entirely.

With several of these major retailers joining in on this financial aspect of the boycott, many believe this will send an even stronger message to SM Entertainment.

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