Ladies Code’s manager reported to have reached an agreement with EunB and Rise’s families

Manager Park (27), who was speeding and involved in the car accident that ended members EunB and Rise’s lives, is said to have reached a settlement with their respective families.

On April 8th, in regards to the recent appeal trial court case held by a police investigator in the Suwon District Court, an attorney of Park stated, “[Manager Park] has reached a settlement with the families,” and that he will be submitting documents relating to the incident to the court, as well. After the first trial, Park also made an effort to reimburse the families with a monetary deposit.

Through a recent pleading, Park had tearfully apologized to the families of Ko Eunbi and Kwon Rise. Reading aloud his prepared apology, he said, “I sincerely apologize to both the families and the victims,” adding, “I will find each and every one of you and directly express my apologies.”

Donning a prison suit and with messy hair, he displayed a haggard and gaunt appearance. Park added, “I thank my mother who has unchangeably pleaded for favorable arrangements regarding my case,” and “I am aware that there are those who resent me. Plus, I will forever live my life in sincere atonement for this accident.”

Meanwhile, the prosecution once again made arguments for the original sentence length of two years and six months. After Park’s legal camp requested an appeal, they decided that the previous sentence of one year and two months was too light, thus lengthening its duration.

The results will be announced on April 15th at 10:00 AM.

Sources: Star News

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