LE SSERAFIM Kazuha’s Recent Dating Rumors Accidentally Prove Her Brand Power

The flex is unmatched,

Recently, LE SSERAFIM member Kazuha found herself embroiled in a dating rumor.

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On April 3, a Japanese media outlet, Shūkan Bunshun, published a report claiming that she was in a relationship with &TEAM’s K.

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K | Wikitree

The outlet published some pictures of Kazuha, claiming they were from the day she joined K for a meal at a “high-end Yakinuku restaurant.”

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Soon after the reports came out, HYBE responded to the claims admitting that Kazuha did meet K but added that “They dined together as friends.” With the rumor denied almost promptly, netizens couldn’t help criticize Shūkan Bunshun for trying to use LE SSERAFIM for profit by publishing unverified reports, as previously, they had been ridiculed for claiming Chaewon was also in a relationship.

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While this romance rumor brought bad news for the outlet, it also unexpectedly worked out in Kazuha’s favor by showing her popularity. According to Korean news reports, after Shūkan Bunshun published the pictures of Kazuha going to the restaurant, almost every item she was seen wearing, including her outfit and the bag, sold out!

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As a member of LE SSERAFIM, Kazuha has always drawn special attention thanks to her ballet background and natural grace. With this dating rumor, the idol not only dodged a potential controversy but also ended up proving her brand value, securing a next-level flex!

Source: MK Sports


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