Brand New’s CEO Reveals Details About Lee Daehwi And Park Woojin’s Future After Wanna One

What will Lee Daehwi and Park Woojin do after Wanna One disbands in a couple of months?

Wanna One‘s inevitable disbandment is nearing as their contract will end in January 2019. Although there are rumors that the members may extend their contract, fans can’t help but be curious what will happen once the boys go their separate ways.


Brand New Music‘s CEO and founder Rhymer sat down for an interview where he revealed what’s in store for his two trainees who are currently promoting as Wanna One – Lee Daehwi and Park Woojin.

“We’re consistently talking about their plans after Wanna One’s promotions end.

The most important aspect isn’t about the specific details but how we can perfectly show the fans their strengths and talents that they weren’t able to showcase in Wanna One. Wanna One had a lot of members and each member had to get a lot of spotlight, so it lacked in presenting all of [Daehwi and Woojin’s] appeals.

We’re going to promote them in a way that will make that happen.”

— Rhymer


Although nothing is for certain about the boy group that Daehwi and Woojin will debut it, it will most likely include Brand New Music’s duo MXM – two participants from Produce 101 Season 2. Rhymer revealed that he debuted MXM ahead of Brand New Boys’ debut because he wanted each member to have a solid fanbase.

MXM’s Donghyun (left) and Youngmin (right).

“It’s important for boy group members to each individually have a fandom, and it could be difficult for a duo to fulfill that but I think [Youngmin and Donghyun]’s chemistry was able to appeal their characteristics well.”

— Rhymer


Rhymer has a history of working primarily with the hip-hop and R&B genre, like BLOCK B. But he hinted that the new boy group will probably not be a hip-hop group.

“The idol concept I worked on with BLOCK B was hip-hop, but MXM and Wanna One’s Daehwi and Woojin don’t have the hip-hop idol concept. I’m thinking of a boy group that can try a wide variety of genres.”

— Rhymer


No matter how Daehwi, Woojin, and MXM debut after the disbandment of Wanna One, Rhymer firmly believes in the talents and potential of his artists!

“I have an immense amount of confidence in the skills of my artists.”

— Rhymer

Source: Star News

Wanna One

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