Try Not To Faint Over Lee Dong Wook’s Ridiculous Visuals In New Photoshoot

His visuals strike again!

Lee Dong Wook is the main cover model for Harper’s Bazaar Taiwan’s March issue, and he’s once again killed us all with his visuals!

The magazine released A-cut shots from his photoshoot as Lee Dong Wook modeled the upcoming fashion for S/S 2020.

Each one of his photos showed a different side to Lee Dong Wook, but one thing always remained the same – his god-given visuals!

Not only were the A-cuts swoon-worthy, his agency dropped B-cuts from his shoot and we can see why… They were just too good to be considered B-Cuts!

How could a mortal man be this stunning?!

Lee Dong Wook proves time and time again that he’ll forever defy time and age!

Start your Tuesday off right with the blessing of Lee Dong Wook’s visuals in the videos below:

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