Lee Honey And Gong Hyo Jin Criticized For Attending PARASITE’s Oscar After Party, PARASITE Team Responded

Lee Honey deleted and apologized for her posts.

After the cast and team for PARASITE made history with the multiple awards at the Oscars last night, the cast held a large Oscars after-party to celebrate their hard work and accomplishments.

Actress Lee Honey (also known as Lee Ha Nee) also celebrated the night as she uploaded the photos of herself having fun with the cast. She may not have participated in the film, but she attended the after-party to support her colleagues and friends.

She posted photos from the party to her Instagram with the caption, “I’m so glad to congratulate you guys here in LA!! So proud of you guys! Let’s celebrate and enjoy this moment! (People might think I actually won the award. But that’s how happy I am! I won’t be able to sleep today Yay!!)

Alongside Lee Honey, actress Gong Hyo Jin was also spotted at the party after she posted similar photos to her Instagram. Gong Hyo Jin also wasn’t a part of the PARASITE team, but simply attended the celebration in support of her close friends.

However, things took a turn when netizens began to bash Lee Honey and Gong Hyo Jin for “crashing” the after party for clout. They commented, “You should’ve treasured the photos privately instead of posting it“, “You need to know when to leave the party. People would mistake you as winning the award“, “Why is she going overboard? She’s just looking for clout“, “She’s clearly not posting these to support the cast members. It’s for herself“, and more.

After the sudden backlash, Lee Honey deleted her posts and apologized for causing an inconvenience to those who were offended by her photos.

I only wanted to congratulate my seniors and my colleagues, but I apologize if I made anyone uncomfortable and angry by my feed. I think my personal emotions in getting to celebrate with them in a different country was forward. Again, I bow my head with sincere and overwhelming congratulations and honor to those who made history with Korean films.

Hope you have a good day!

— Lee Honey

As the controversy continued to grow, the PARASITE team decided to speak up and clarify why Lee Honey and Gong Hyo Jin attended the party.

They explained that they personally invited the two actresses to their party since they were in the same city. The actresses were close friends with many of the cast so it made sense to celebrate together. They concluded with the emphasis that they had no objection nor discomfort by having them present.

The actors from ‘PARASITE’ and [Lee Honey and Gong Hyo Jin] are close, and they were in the States so we invited them to come to our party.

Everyone was holding the trophies and taking photos. Everyone was happy. [Having Lee Honey hold it] was just natural.

We didn’t understand why people wanted to know why they were there. Lee Honey and Gong Hye Jin worked on the drama Pasta together with Lee Sun Kyun. Gong Hyo Jin and Lee Jung Eun recently filmed When The Camila Blooms together too. They were glad to meet up in a foreign country.

They congratulated the team and the cast welcomed it.


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