“River Where The Moon Rises” Lee Ji Hoon Shares How Na In Woo Adorably Came Over To Visit Him At home

He’s cute without even trying to be!

While River Where The Moon Rises actor Lee Ji Hoon gushed about Kim So Hyun previously, he also made sure to express his love for rookie actor Na In Woo. Despite the fact that a newbie scored the lead, Lee Ji Hoon had nothing but adoration for the younger actor.

Lee Ji Hoon shared that Na In Woo was extremely adorable and warmed up to him quickly.

Na In Woo is really cute. From the first day of filming, he called me hyung already. He was nervous as he had to come in without even being able to watch the previous episodes. His personality is refreshing and he’s sociable. He is able to adapt quickly while acting and is able to make it his own just as swiftly. He asked for my help on the set but I didn’t know how, so I just told him that he would do well as he already has it in him. He ended up doing well truly.

— Lee Ji Hoon

Lee Ji Hoon also shared a cute anecdote about how Na In Woo came to visit him at home.

I was at home and Na In Woo suddenly called me, saying he would be coming. Fifteen minutes later, he was standing in front of my apartment in slippers. It was so cute that I wanted to put him up for the night but after we played a round of games, he said that he only came because he missed me and that he would leave, so he did. He is a dongsaeng I want to take care of.

— Lee Ji Hoon

Well, sign us up for some Na In Woo! We’d love to have him as a dongsaeng too! Catch the talented actors in River Where The Moon Rises on KBS!

Source: Korea Daily
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