Lee Tae Im apologizes to Kim Ye Won following cursing incident

In light of the recent backlash and criticisms reported on the media about their alleged feud, Lee Tae Im and Kim Ye Won publicised their own apology and statement on the issue.

Following the recent reports about actress Lee Tae Im’s embroilment with former Jewelry member Yewon, sources have revealed the exact words and curses said by the actress to the idol star. To this incident, Lee Tae Im has made an official apology to Yewon, soon after, Yewon has made an official response as well.

On March 5th, Lee Tae Im apologized through her agency:
“On the late afternoon of 24th, due to the cold weather Lee Jae Hoon and I came out of the water to rest during the filming session at a beach in Jeju Island. We were near the heater to warm up and just before heading back into the water, it’s true that Yewon talked to me first. However, her words did not seem friendly to me because we only just met. I am sorry that I hurt Yewon. I am deeply regretful that I said things that I shouldn’t due to the inability to control my feelings at the time. I have also read the reports on tabloids myself. I swear that I didn’t curse to the extent that is being reported. I arrived at Jeju Island that night before and went to the filming set along with the production team in the following morning. Lee Jae Hoon and I didn’t know that Yewon were to come as a surprise guest, and only just knew after we arrived at Jeju Island through the writers. Lee Jae Hoon was not present when this incident happened and was filming by the beach. To think of it now, Yewon’s speech seemed informal for me. Nevertheless, I shouldn’t have responded in such sensitive way because Yewon was just trying to look after me. But in that situation, it seems like I didn’t take her words as a good intention. As a result, I let my feelings outburst to such extent. I am personally sorry to Yewon, and want to apologize. Finally, I want to apologize to the director and writers of Tutoring Across Generations as well as Lee Jae Hoon who welcomed me warmly at the return plane with a smile. I also want to send a sincere support to Yewon, who will have a better career activity in the future.”
Following Lee Tae Im’s apology statement, Yewon too has given an official response on March 6th. Yewon mentioned, “I am sorry to worry those who care and support me with this controversy of Tutoring Across Generations. I understand that Lee Tae Im was not at her best condition with her personal reasons and so she could have misunderstood as we never had an acquaintance before. I feel thankful to senior (Lee Tae Im) who must be going through a difficult time now for reaching out first to apologize.”
For the past few days, it was highly reported that the two were involved in a feud during the filming of Tutoring Across Generations, to which Lee Tae Im allegedly screaming and cursing at Yewon. Since then, Lee Tae Im announced her decision to leave the program following the controversy.

Source: Sports Chosun

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