Lizzy takes a jab at contract renewal under Pledis Entertainment at recent press conference

Singer and entertainer Lizzy hinted at the state of her contract renewal with Pledis Entertainment at a recent press conference. 

On September 5th, Lizzy made a vague statement against the CEO of her current management agency as she attended the press conference of Vanity Table. The After School and Orange Caramel member picked her agency’s CEO as the someone whom she wanted to watch the show. When asked about her response, Lizzy went on to explain that, “I am nearing the end of my contract and the CEO has not given me any work these days.” 

The statement caught the attention of the netizens and her fans and wondered if the statement was aimed against her current management agency. More so, others have speculated if Lizzy is in the process of looking for another agency should her contract with Pledis Entertainment expires.

Meanwhile, Lizzy joins the current season of beauty program, Vanity Table.
Lizzy at the press conference of “Vanity Table”

Source: XSportsNews

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