LOONA Fans And Staff Members Defend Chuu, Fire Back At BlockBerry Creative 

“Power abuse, that’s really funny…”

As of today, Chuu is no longer a member of LOONA. In an official statement, shared on the group’s fancafe, BlockBerry Creative announced that Chuu has been removed from LOONA due to her behavior towards the agency’s staff members.

Chuu with fans.

Based on the LOONA members’ love for the team and consideration for their fans, they tried to show their feelings by putting their best efforts into their performances and content, not talk about what is true or false.

However, recently we were told of Chuu’s verbal abuse and power-trip tendencies towards our staff. After an investigation, we discovered the truth. Our agency staff are apologizing and comforting the affected staff members. We have decided to take responsibility for this and remove Chuu from LOONA.

— BlockBerry Creative

BlockBerry Creative stated that LOONA and the agency will both, “go back to our roots and work as hard so an incident like this never happens again.” Some fans, however, do not believe the “incident” occurred in the first place.

Instead, they claim BlockBerry Creative is trying to silence Chuu and cover up their alleged mistreatment of her.

Fans aren’t the only ones coming to Chuu’s defense. The writer of Chuu Can Do It (also known as Chuu Protect the Earth) contradicted BlockBerry Creative’s claims about Chuu’s attitude towards staff.

A photographer who has worked with LOONA several times also painted a very different picture of the star, recalling fond memories of Chuu on set.

Read BlockBerry Creative’s announcement here:

BlockBerry Creative Announces Chuu Has Been Kicked Out Of LOONA


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