5th Gen Idol Unfollows Her CEO And Deletes All Posts — Agency Responds

Recently, MADEIN‘s Gaeun raised alarm bells by suddenly deleting her posts and unfollowing her group’s agency. Now 143 Entertainment has released an official statement.

On November 10, fans noticed that tGaeun had removed all her Instagram posts and removed MADEIN from her bio. They also noticed that she had unfollowed two accounts: 143 Entertainment and the company’s CEO.

Fans worried that these changes might be signaling Gaeun’s exit from MADEIN or from her agency, but according to 143 Entertainment, that isn’t the case. In an official statement, the agency explained that Gaeun will be temporarily halting her activities in order to focus on healing.
안녕하세요. 143엔터테인먼트입니다.
메이딘(MADEIN) 멤버 가은 활동 관련하여 안내드립니다.
가은은 최근 건강상의 이유로 병원을 방문하였고, 충분한 휴식과 안정이 필요하다는 의료진의 소견에 따라 일시적으로 활동을 중단하고 건강 회복에 힘쓰기로 결정하게 되었습니다.
— MΛDEIN (@MADEIN_U) November 11, 2024
Hello. This is 143 Entertainment.
We would like to inform you regarding MADEIN member Gaeun’s activities.
Recently, Gaeun visited the hospital due to health issues, and based on the medical advice to take sufficient rest and stability, she has decided to temporarily halt activities to focus on recovering her health.
As a result, MADEIN will continue its activities with six members—Mashiro, Yeseo, MiU, Suhye, Serina, and Nagomi—for the time being.
We apologize for causing concern with this sudden news and kindly ask for your warm support so that Gaeun can return to meet fans in good health soon.
Thank you.
— 143 Entertainment