Popular Male Idol And Female Actress Wear “Weird” Oversized Balenciaga Outfits Very Differently

“Is this a punishment outfit?”

THE BOYZ‘s Juyeon and actress Roh Yoon Seo gained attention for their own twists on a “ridiculous” Balenciaga look.

THE BOYZ’s Juyeon | @tbzjuyeon/Instagram
Actress Roh Yeon Soo | @rohyoonseo/Instagram

On June 24, Juyeon arrived at the airport to go to Paris for the Balenciaga fashion show.

The idol became a hot topic online for his outfit as Juyeon stepped out wearing a hugely oversized jacket with massive shoulders. Juyeon is a tall idol with solid proportions, so the jacket must have been huge to engulf him, and they were paired with matching baggy pants and pointed formal shoes.



When the photos were posted, netizens LOL’d at the outfit Juyeon was wearing. While they praised his visuals for helping the outfit, many thought it was a “punishment.”

| theqoo
  • Everyone must have been really surprised, hahaha.
  • What is this…
  • I wonder how the models wore it.
  • Is this a punishment outfit? Wow…
  • Is this a punishment outfit??
  • Hahahaha, come on.
  • Even Juyeon must have taken a deep breath after looking in the mirror.
  • The shoes are weird too. Only the face is working hard.

But Juyeon wasn’t alone with the odd outfit; actress Roh Yoon Seo gained attention for how she wore the “Oversized” look. Roh Yoon Seo also arrived at the airport to go to the Balenciaga show, and instantly, netizens could see that the actress was also given an oversized jacket to wear.

In contrast, netizens noticed that she had chosen to wear the jacket over her arm rather than wearing it. While her outfit still showcased the brand, she didn’t have the issue of being engulfed by the jacket, which would undoubtedly be too big for the actress.




When the photos were posted, netizens praised Roh Yoon Seo for her decision and how it made her look good, which was a much better promotion for the brand than wearing the jacket, and it would look odd.

| theqoo
  • The outfit is too much. Going to the airport with such broad shoulders that you can’t pass through the security checkpoint.
  • Well done. This will be much better for the brand image. Looking at other people’s photos, the outfit was really… it was no joke, why did they make it like that?
  • Wearing that… it seems like it would have no promotional effect at all. It’s better to be pretty like this.
  • Wise decision.

Fashion is definitely unique, but many think Balenciaga is going too far with what they deem “fashionable.”

Source: theqoo - Juyeon and theqoo - Roh Yoon Seo
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