MAMAMOO’s Wheein Unexpectedly Ends Contract With Agency

MAMAMOO‘s Wheein has not renewed her contract with THE L1VE LABEL and will be parting ways with the agency.
The entertainment company announced the news themselves through a statement on X (formerly known as Twitter). In their statement, THE L1VE said Wheein’s contract has ended as of August 3.
Hello, this is THE L1VE LABEL.
We would like to inform you that our exclusive contract with our artist Wheein has ended as of August 3, 2024.
We sincerely support Wheein in her future endeavors and hope she continues to shine brightly.
Additionally, we will diligently support her to ensure that upcoming schedules, including the previously announced Kaohsiung concert, proceed without any issues.
Thank you.
안녕하세요, 더라이브 레이블 입니다.
더라이브 레이블 소속 아티스트 휘인의 전속 계약이 2024년 8월 3일부로 종료되었음을 알려드립니다.당사는 아티스트 휘인이 더욱더 빛나는 활동을 이어 나가기를 진심으로 응원하겠습니다.
더불어 앞서 공지되었던 가오슝 콘서트를 비롯한 향후…
Since leaving RBW in August 2021, Wheein has been active with THE L1VE LABEL. During her exclusive contract, she mainly pursued solo activities and presented new music. While the general public seems surprised at the news, fans feel as though they saw the separation coming.
i knew for a fact that itm was her last straw. what happened during that whole promo was riling. imagine releasing a full album and struggle to even get to music shows (which is the bare fvckin mininum) wheein knows she deserves better and i'm super happy abt that
— 🪐. (@glennr0wz) August 3, 2024
Lucky that Wheein has been really happy these day so I have nothing to worry. She has been working hard and always talks positively about her future music. I will continue to believe and have high expectations for the future Wheein.
— zj 🦋 missing BEYOND (@wheeinjeongg) August 3, 2024
These last months, Wheein has been talking super positively about her future and she is confident about herself. I have no worries !
I am just happy and proud that she is standing for herself and for a better future. Soar high Wheein 🦋🤍
— Knightly MMM (@knightlymmm1) August 3, 2024
Multiple posts on X (formerly known as Twitter) show fans complaining about the lack of promotional activities secured for Wheein by THE L1VE, which undoubtedly caused frustration.
So it’s either Wheein already signed up with a new company & we’ll get the announcement this week or she’ll be an independent artist atm but whatever it is, I’m not worried anymore seeing how she has conquered so much in the past years. No way but to keep soaring high 🙏🏻🙌🏻🐶🦋✨
— IRIS FIGS ✿ mထ ☁️🧸🌠 (@irisfigs) August 3, 2024
we good here wheein, you go wherever you want!
— ❖ phoebe 🪽✨ ia until mmm comes back (@hamjjwhee) August 3, 2024
Regardless, fans are all excited to see what Wheein will do next and can’t wait to see more of her.