Man Calling TXT Members “Sissies” Causes A Huge Controversy

Where’s the respect?

A now-deleted post of a man calling the TXT members “sissies” has gone viral, leading to a huge controversy.


Post by @yi.923_
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While the original post was eventually deleted, netizens had already taken screenshots and reposted the message.

This mom [later found out to be the dad] has no respect?

– Netizen


In the original post, the dad revealed that he got tickets to TXT’s concert in Taipei for his daughter. However, the commentary he added angered netizens.

For my daughter~~~ I managed to grab two tickets for TXT’s concert. I have no idea who these five sissies are, but my daughter likes them so~~~ buy, buy, buy.

– Man

After netizens criticized the man, he seemingly apologized but was later called out for being sarcastic.


Post by @uu_infp
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Forgive me for using inappropriate words. They look so pretty. I can’t keep up with the times.

– Man’s original apology


Watching manly men battle after getting home~~~ I can’t call them ‘sissies.’ That’s poor manners. I’d be distasteful.

– Man’s post after the apology, taken to be sarcastic

Most netizens were not pleased with the man’s words and actions.


  • “You call them sissies, but the person who gets hurt is your daughter…Please, do you really love her?🥲”

  • “If his daughter has a Threads account and sees this post, I wonder what she would think.”

  • “I don’t stan TXT, but this is f*cking disrespectful.”

  • “Someone like this managed to snatch tickets 😇”

  • “Not swearing at him is the most respect I could give him.”

What do you think of the situation? How would you feel if you were the daughter? Comment on our social media post below.


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