MBC Fires 3 Employees For Abusing Power To Sexually Assault Victims

MBC is enforcing their zero tolerance policy on sexual abuse.

MBC is taking the necessary measures to purge sexual abuse from the workplace. They shared in an official statement that three of their employees have been fired for sexually abusing employees of outsourced companies, as well as abusing their positions of power.

“Our company has decided on a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to sexual abuse with heavy punishment.


The termination and investigations began as more and more women began standing up for themselves in the #MeToo Movement in Korea. MBC stated that they regret not having put this action in motion sooner.

“MBC regrets the fact that we were unable to prevent these incidents in the first place, and we are deeply sorry. We also recognize that our company is complacent when it comes to sexual abuse in the workplace, and deeply regret these actions.”


They vowed to make sure that MBC was a corporation that had zero-tolerance against sexual harassment and that they will do everything they can to eradicate the issue from their company culture.

“From now on, MBC will make an effort to eradicate sexual abuse in the workplace by going forward with a zero-tolerance policy.”


Their full statement reads as follows:

“Our company has decided on a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to sexual abuse with heavy punishment. 

MBC regrets the fact that we were unable to prevent these incidents in the first place, and we are deeply sorry. We also recognize that our company is complacent when it comes to sexual abuse in the workplace, and deeply regret these actions.

We are working on improving company regulations in order to prevent sexual abuse. We will continue to strengthen preventative education programs, and we will improve the culture of reporting to management. From now on, MBC will make an effort to eradicate sexual abuse in the workplace by going forward with a zero-tolerance policy.”



#MeToo Movement In Korea

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