MBK Entertainment Announces Jenny Will Be Leaving DIA

She has left the group.

MBK Entertainment has announced that Jenny will be leaving DIA due to her continued health problems with her knee.

MBK Entertainment shared the news in an announcement made on DIA’s fancafe.

Hello, this is MBK Entertainment.

First, we would like to apologize for bringing bad news to everyone who loves and supports DIA. We are sharing news about Jenny leaving DIA.

During DIA’s ‘SUMMER ADE’ promotions, Jenny was suffered from severe pain in her knees, and after examination, she was diagnosed with osteomalacia. Because of this, she could not promote with the group during their ‘NEWTRO’ promotions.

We have been doing out best to help Jenny with her recovery, and with continuous treatment, her health has gotten a lot better.

However, it is still too much for her to continue with DIA activities. Following the opinion of the doctors, and after many discussions with Jenny, it has been decided that she will stop promoting with DIA and work hard on her recovery.

We would like to apologize to AID who have been waiting to see Jenny return to the group healthy.

We would also like to apologize to AID for the sudden news, and we would like to thank AID for loving Jenny all this time.

Thank you.

— MBK Entertainment

Jenny also shared a hand-written letter, apologizing about how the first time she is addressing the fans in a long time is with bad news. She said how she learned a lot during her time with DIA, laughing and crying with the members, and had a hard but happy time. She thanked AID for all the support they gave her, and both thanked and apologized to her DIA members she will be leaving.

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안녕하세요. 다이아 제니입니다. 먼저 저를 오랫동안 기다려주신 에이드분들에게 좋지못한 소식을 전하게 되어 죄송합니다.. 지난 앨범에서 무릎연골연화증으로 인한 지속적인 무릎통증으로 다이아 활동을 참여하지 못하게 되었어요. 그후 병원에서 꾸준한 치료를 받아서 많이 좋아지고 괜찮아졌지만 계속해서 활동을 이어가기에는 무리가 있다는 의사선생님의 소견을 듣고 많은 고민을 하고, 회사와 멤버들과 얘기하고 또 얘기해서 다이아 활동에서는 빠지는것으로 결정짓게 되었습니다. 제가 다이아로 활동하는동안 멤버들에게 많은 것들을 배웠고, 함께 울고 웃으며 힘든시간보다 행복한 시간이 많았어요. 오랜 시간동안 준비하고 꿈꿔왔지만 이렇게 떠나게 되어서 너무 속상하고 저 스스로도 힘이드네요.. 에이드 여러분들이 보내주신 따뜻한 위로와 응원 한마디 한마디가 저에게 정말 큰 힘이 되었고, 과분한 사랑을 주신 덕분에 제가 힘이 들때마다 버티게 해준 버팀목이 되었어요. 다이아 제니로서의 마지막 글이 되어서, 이런결정을 할 수 밖에 없어서 너무 미안해요.. 평생 잊지못할 소중한 추억, 기억을 남겨주셔서 감사합니다. 유니스언니, 희현언니, 주은언니, 채연이, 예빈이, 은채, 솜이.. 그냥 떠올리기만해도 눈물나는 가족같은 우리 멤버들.. 많이 미안하고 고마워요. 그리고 항상 응원할게요. 끝까지 함께 하지 못해서 죄송합니다. 제가 끊임없이 앞으로 나아갈 수 있게 해준 다이아 멤버들, MBK식구분들, 사랑하는 에이드분들께 다시 한번 미안하고 죄송합니다. 저에게 보내주신 과분한 사랑 잊지 않겠습니다. 앞으로의 다이아도 많이 응원해주세요. 저도 에이드와 함께 응원하겠습니다! 다이아 제니가 아닌 이소율로 자주 찾아뵐게요. 소율이도 많은 응원 부탁드립니다. 그동안 정말 감사했습니다.

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During DIA’s promotions for their NEWTRO album, the DIA members addressed the rumors that Jenny would be leaving the group, saying that she was still focusing on recovery.

DIA Respond To Rumors Claiming Jenny Is Leaving The Group

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