Meiqi and Xuanyi Will Not Be Promoting With Cosmic Girls For Two Years

“They will be exclusive to promoting with just Rocket Girls 101 for the next two years.”

The latest update from the Chinese production of Produce 101 reports that the winning members Meiqi and Xuanyi will not be able to promote with Cosmic Girls for the next two years while they promote in China as a part of Rocket Girls 101.


Starship Entertainment, in management of Cosmic Girls, claimed in an official statement that the members will still promote with Cosmic Girls when the schedule allows.

“Meiqi and Xuanyi will be promoting in both China and Korea. The promotions between Cosmic Girls and Rocket Girls will be well-arranged so there will be no scheduling issues for these girls.” — Starship Entertainment


On the contrary, the Chinese platform Tencent (腾讯视频) confirmed that Meiqi and Xuanyi will be exclusive to Rocket Girls 101.

“It is not true that Meiqi and Xuanyi will be promoting as both Cosmic Girls and Rocket Girls 101.” — Tencent


An associate revealed that Meiqi and Xuanyi are both under the two year contract for Rocket Girls 101 and “for the duration of their contracts, only Tencent can decide their schedules”.

“It will be impossible for Meiqi and Xuanyi to be active in both girl groups. They will be exclusive to promoting with just Rocket Girls 101 for the next two years.” — Tencent


Fans in Korea, China, and other parts of the world are confused by the conflicting reports on the girls’ futures, but continue to remain supportive of the girls either way!


WJSN (Cosmic Girls)

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