5 Out Of 6 Members Of ONF To Enlist In Military At The Same Time

They shared with fans their reason for doing so.

It has been announced that 5 out of 6 ONF members have decided to enlist together. This excludes the last member, U, who is also the youngest in the group. He is exempt from military as he is of Japanese nationality. These means that fans will have to bid farewell (for now!) to Wyatt, MK, J-US, E-Tion and Hyojin.

The boys announced the news through handwritten letters to fans via their official fancafe on November 2, 2021. In the letters from J-US and Hyojin, they reasoned that they wanted to be together as a team and hence made the tough decision.

| @gapzzagi0422/Twitter

Our Fuses will be very upset about it, but as we wanted to be together, the 6 of us, and we wanted to sing together for an even longer time, so we decided to enlist together.

— J-US

| @gapzzagi0422/Twitter

ONF, apart from U, the rest of the members have decided to enlist at the end of the year to fulfil our duties to the country. As we wanted to come back as a whole quicker and meet Fuses, the members deliberated this for a long time and after discussing it, we have decided it as such. We hope our feelings are conveyed to Fuses well.

— Hyojin

Fans were duly shocked at the sudden news. On the same day the news dropped, member E-Tion had just MC-ed for music show, The Show.

Most of the members are born in 1994 or 1995, which means that they probably could have waited another year or so to enlist. However, fans also applaud their decision to stick together no matter what.

Wishing ONF a safe enlistment!

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