MEOVV Narin’s Recent, Simple Message Is Winning Her New Fans

MEOVV‘s Narin recently posted a message that had fans seeing her in a whole new light and may have even won her new fans.

Narin talked about her birthday, which happens to fall on Korea’s National Liberation Day. Known as “Gwangbokjeol,” the public holiday commemorates the liberation of Korea from Japanese rule in 1945.
I think every season has its own special charm! Still, I like summer the most! Maybe it’s because my birthday is in the summer? My birthday is on August 15th! It’s also Liberation Day! So, it’s always really hot on my birthday.
Speaking of Liberation Day, it reminded me that there’s also a Taegeukgi (Korean flag) in my personal teaser! Did you know? In my personal teaser, there’s a Taegeukgi in a classroom-like setting, and the concept of that place is ‘outdoor classroom.’ It’s a fresh concept, so it stands out in my memory.
— Narin
Korean netizens were quick to praise Narin for unabashedly showcasing her Korean national pride by mentioning both Liberation Day and the Taegeukgi in her messages. Some fans were especially proud of Narin as there has, historically, been a vocal cohort of K-Pop fans from Japan who kick up a fuss and try to make trouble whenever a K-Pop idol makes a positive reference to Korea’s long-standing independence from Japan. Narin’s unabashed and vocal Korean pride seems to have won her even more fans.
- “She’s likable”
- “Freaking likable”
- “She seems likable”
- “So freaking likable”
- “She’s so likable, I’m cheering her on”
- “So likable”
- “Who cares what Japanese fans are saying? Lol anyway, Narin is so likable to me”
- “Why is there interest… I mean, sure, people can be interested, but isn’t it important to be careful with Japanese fans during such sensitive times?”
- “I don’t really know about ‘Meow,’ but I’m off to listen to her song because she’s so likable”
- “Very likable!!!! I decided to support her”
- “Very likable, let’s go ‘Meow’!!!”
- “Why is mentioning Liberation Day a problem? We gained independence from Japan, right? Her birthday is Liberation Day. Go Narin!”
- “If Japanese fans are sane, there shouldn’t be anything to feel bad about. It’s just stating a fact. If this makes them uncomfortable, they shouldn’t be into K-pop.”
- “What’s the problem? Those Japanese people who are upset about this are crazy.”

Check out more below.