[★BREAKING] Multiple death threats made against BTS and target member Jimin
BTS have received multiple death threats on Twitter by what appears to be deranged anti-fans, with some of the messages threatening Jimin specifically.
The death threats were first brought to attention when ARMY began warning media, Big Hit Entertainment and BTS about them. ARMY began to immediately trend the hashtag “#ArmysWillProtectJimin” on Twitter, in attempts to spread the message and warn BTS.
However, it appears that some are creating further rumors by releasing photoshopped images and posting false truths as facts. Here are the facts from what Koreaboo has gathered about the incident.
“Selja” has been Suspended on Twitter.
Whether or not the rumors originated from the user “Selja“, also known as “@AinsleyPaisley”, her Twitter account has been suspended. Photos originally were spread on Twitter accusing her of looking to spread lies about BTS members. The photos alleged that Selja had plans to release rumors that BTS members sexually assaulted a Brazillian fan.
The rumors that BTS members sexually assaulted a Brazilian fan are absolutely and unequiviocaly false. They are false rumors made to disparage the reputation of BTS and the groups members.
These photos were not proven and were alleged screenshots of a direct message from Selja to another user. Selja denied these tweets on her Twitter account.
Rumors That “Selja” Was Involved In Ladies Code Car Crash Are False
These rumors that are being spread are absolutely false and only undermine ARMY and their message. The legitimate and horrifying deaths of Ladies Code members should not be used to create a narrative. It does not appear that ARMYs are creating these rumors but individual users who are spreading this false message, perhaps out of ignorance.
It’s important to clear this issue up immediately. Selja did not play a part in the deaths of Ladies’ Code. The false rumors that she did must be stopped immediately.
User “AntiBTSAnti” Sent Death Threats To BTS Members
Koreaboo was able to independently verify that this user did send death threats to BTS members. Google reveals a cached version of the user’s Twitter account prior to the account being suspended. In the cache, tweets can be seen where the account is directly threatening BTS’ Jimin’s life.
The user also mentions Selja as an accomplice. However, there appears to be no connection beyond this. “AntiBTSAnti“ mentions Selja so casually in the tweets that it seems possible that the account was created in order to place blame on Selja.
While the death threats cannot be verified, it appears that those involved with BTS concerts have been notified and are aware of the death threats. Honda Center has been made aware of the death threats and in conjunction, the Los Angeles Police Department and Anaheim Police Department have also allegedly been made aware.

Not The First Death Threat Made Towards BTS
This isn’t the first death threat that has been made against BTS. In 2015, BTS was forced to cut their hi-touch and photo event short when a user threatened BTS with a gun on Twitter. The user tweeted a message that she would be shooting Rap Monster, which forced the cancellation.
“Just brought my gun it’s about to go down RIP namjoon #TRBinNYC”
— Twitter User in 2015
However, it was then revealed that the user was “just trolling” and had only googled a picture of the gun she tweeted. She began to immediately backtrack once users found her account and insisted it was nothing more than a joke.
ARMYs Trend On Twitter Promising To Protect BTS
While the death threats may simply be another hoax, BTS fans are not taking this lightly and are promising to protect BTS. They are spreading awareness in order to ensure that the following BTS concerts in California on April 1 and April 2 have proper security measures taken. They are also outing those who are tweeting negative comments or threatening BTS in any way. This has already resulted in the suspensions of multiple anti-fans and BTS haters.
Koreaboo will update this developing story as more information is released as to the validity of the death threats and the response by Big Hit Entertainment.