Instant Regret? Nana Begins The Process Of Tattoo Removal

She hasn’t even had them for a year.

After School‘s Nana shocked the world in the fall of last year when she revealed her tattoos.

| MK Sports
| MK Sports

During a promotional event for her movie Confession, she showed off a variety of tattoos from on her arms, back and legs. However, all that is changing in her latest Instagram update.

| MK Sports
| @jin_a_nana/Instagram

In the new photos, her tattoos appear lighter with a pink tone, indicating she is in the process of removing them.

| @jin_a_nana/Instagram
| @jin_a_nana/Instagram

Netizens are not yet aware of Nana’s motive behind the sudden change. However, it’s possible she’s doing it to benefit her acting career by being able to get more roles or simply no longer likes the look of them.

| @jin_a_nana/Instagram
| @jin_a_nana/Instagram

Fans of Nana’s unique tattoos will miss them dearly!

| @jin_a_nana/Instagram
| @jin_a_nana/Instagram
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