You Need To Hear Kim Jong Un’s Historic Speech Before You Do Anything Else

“We will closely communicate and cooperate for this agreement made in front of all Koreans and the world.”

The 2018 Inter-Korean Summit has lead to some astonishing action.

North and South Korea Agree To End The Korean War, Here’s What That Means

Not only did South Korean President Moon Jae-In and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un step into each other’s territory holding hands and plant a symbolic tree — they also signed a declaration that pledged an end to the Korean War.


Following the signing of the Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity, and Unification on the Korean Peninsula, Kim Jong Un gave a speech in standard South Korean.

Choosing to speak in South Korean, rather than the North Korean dialect is another show of solidarity.


He started his speech thanking the South Korean delegation and referred to them as his brothers. This set the stage to emphasize that the North and South Korean people are one family, and can no longer live divided any more.

“We who live so close to each other are not rival peoples that should challenge and defeat, but one people of the same bloodline that ought to live in harmony and unity.”


Kim Jong Un shared that he and President Moon Jae In have seriously discussed many issues regarding all Korean people and have agreed to work together to instill prosperity and happiness for everyone on the Korean peninsula.

“We will closely communicate and cooperate for this agreement made in front of all Koreans and the world, strive to ensure it comes to fruition and avoid repeating the disgraceful history of former North-South agreements that have only had beginnings.”


North Korea’s leader expressed hope that one day Panmunjeom would become a symbol of peace, and also hinted at the possibility of opening North Korea’s doors to overseas visitors as well.

“The road that I have traveled today, when it becomes the road through which all of North and South’s people can freely pass, and when Panmunjeom where we stand today, turns from the symbol of our painful separation to become the symbol of peace, the North and the South who share one blood, one language, one history and one culture, will finally be one as we were before, and bask in the endless prosperity for thousands of generations to come.”


Kim Jong Un shared that although the road ahead will be tough, he hopes that North Korea will walk in step with South Korea from this day forward.

“It is my wish that today’s Panmunjeom Declaration will meet the anticipation of those who have keenly awaited the results of our summit, and to deliver new hope and joy.”


He ended his speech thanking the Korean people for their support, as well as to the reporters who delivered the news of the summit to the world.

“I also thank the reporters who have shown great attention and anticipation to our historic meeting.”


Here’s the full speech, translated below:

“I extend my gratitude to our Southern brothers who have warmly welcomed us with all their hearts and effort, adding to our meeting the affection of one blood, one brotherhood and one people.

It has taken a long time for this day to happen, for the North and the South to join hands. All of us have awaited this day with one heart.

Now that we stand facing each other, I feel profoundly that the North and the South Korea are indeed one family that cannot live in division, the same people that cannot be compared to any neighbor.

We who live so close to each other are not rival peoples that should challenge and defeat, but one people of the same bloodline that ought to live in harmony and unity.

Today, I have crossed the Panmunjeom division line with a resolute heart to open up the path for all Koreans to live at ease in peace, and a new future for our people, as soon as possible.

Myself and President Moon Jae-in bear our burden and take our responsibility gravely, to the hope and expectation of all Koreans who have enthusiastically supported our meeting. We have sincerely discussed many issues to find the solutions that the people of North and South Korea have earnestly hoped for.

Above all, we have reached practical agreements with shared resolution to instill prosperity and happiness for Koreans on a peaceful land devoid of war.

By thoroughly carrying out all preexisting North-South declarations and agreements, we have agreed to start transformative conditions for the improvement and development of our relationship.

Myself and President Moon Jae-in have just adopted and signed the Panmunjeom Declaration that reflects the agreements of today’s summit for the peace and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula and the reunification of Koreas.

We will closely communicate and cooperate for this agreement made in front of all Koreans and the world, strive to ensure it comes to fruition and avoid repeating the disgraceful history of former North-South agreements that have only had beginnings.

The road that I have traveled today, when it becomes the road through which all of North and South’s people can freely pass, and when Panmunjeom where we stand today, turns from the symbol of our painful separation to become the symbol of peace, the North and the South who share one blood, one language, one history and one culture, will finally be one as we were before, and bask in the endless prosperity for thousands of generations to come.

Dear people of North and South and friends overseas, closed doors will fly open if we keep pushing to the end with firm will. If North and South think foremost of the greater good of our people based on a foundation of mutual understanding and faith, and put aside all else, our relationship will accelerate and the reunification and prosperity of our people will be advanced.

Great history does not create or record itself, but it is the condensate of the people’s diligent efforts and heated breath.

We, of our time, must do our duty to history to create everything we must and can to absolute perfection for the reconciliation, unity, peace and prosperity of the Korean people.

The road ahead of us may not be smooth, and there will be great new challenges and obstacles before us. But without pain there is no victory, and without ordeal no honor. One day, we will joyfully reminisce on today’s meeting and the days through which we have overcome hardships together for the future of our people.

Let us all join our will, strengths and wisdom in taking one step after another in matching pace to advance on to the future of peace and prosperity, new dreams and hopes that awaits us.

It is my wish that today’s Panmunjeom Declaration will meet the anticipation of those who have keenly awaited the results of our summit, and to deliver new hope and joy.

I once again extend my deepest gratitude to the Koreans of North and South and abroad who have sent full support and encouragement for the fruition of today’s summit.

I also thank the reporters who have shown great attention and anticipation to our historic meeting.” — Kim Jong Un


It looks like big change is coming to the Korean peninsula!

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