Netflix’s “Pop Star Academy” Exposes Staff And KATSEYE’s Alleged Mistreatment Of Manon

Many feel she was not treated fairly.

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On August 21, Netflix’s Popstar Academy was added to the platform’s catalog. Popstar Academy is a docuseries that follows the formation of the K-Pop-trained international girl group KATSEYE.

KATSEYE | Netflix

The show begins with a set number of trainees preparing to compete in Dream Academy. As this group trains, the team producing the group searches for more contestants, which leads to the discovery and addition of now-KATSEYE’s Manon.

Manon joined the group several months after they began the process and was lacking in skills, as stated by the training team.


As the episodes progressed, some other issues surrounding Manon came up, like her being late to class and curfew, which resulted in her moving out of the dorms to live with her aunt. During episode 5, the program manager, Missy, states that she would not add Manon to the group based on her attitude.

However, once the group advanced to Dream Academy, Manon quickly became a fan favorite despite this. After a group discussion without her with Dr. Wetter, the program’s psychologist/counselor, the girls’ frustration with Manon missing practices(due to illness and physical condition) eventually came to a head as pressure built from the survival show.

By episode 7, Manon has seemingly realized that she must put her best foot forward and seeks to resolve the issues between her and the other girls. During the interaction, Manon mentions that she feels like she is being unfairly treated, as other girls’ absences are not treated as harshly.

Sophia takes the lead speaking for the others, mentioning that the program requires hard work and that Manon had not been taking notes or being as attentive during sessions she had to physically sit out of.

Manon attempts to defend herself, at Missy’s insistence that she not “react and just listen,” she remains silent as Sophia speaks.

The situation does seem to get resolved as Sophia says that the other girls want to bring her up with them, and want her to seem as though she wants to be there. Manon takes this olive branch, and asks that they speak to her directly to avoid misunderstandings like that from occurring and apologizes for the missed practices.

Portions of this clip were uploaded to X, where netizens shared their feelings about the interaction. The OP pointed out that during one episode, Manon was the only person taking notes, seemingly opposing Sophia’s claims.

Some felt that Manon was being unfairly targeted and treated, as she was unable to defend herself. Viewers have linked the treatment of Manon to microaggressions Black women often face involving their attitudes and pre-conceived notions someone may have of them.

The program was filmed more than a year ago, and many hope that the conflict has been resolved since.


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