Netizens Criticize The “Messy” And “Unorganized” Execution Of The “33rd Seoul Music Awards”

From broken streams, fires, and the unreal heat, netizens shared their concerns.

The 33rd Seoul Music Awards was held in Thailand on January 2, but it has been branded “Messiest” awards show after a series of problems before and during the show.

As expected, stars from the world of K-Pop and the Thai entertainment industry came together to start the new year in style.

Sandara Park
Thai stars Nunew Chawarin and Zee Pruk 

As excited as fans were, the awards show was riddled with many things that went wrong and made the experiences negative for those attending. Even before the show started, netizens shared their concerns.

Many fans paid for soundcheck but because of timings and lack of organization, many were left waiting in the scorching heat for an hour and then only watched one group perform before they were asked to leave.

This seemed to continue before the event, and netizens noticed that the times were being pushed forward.

Even as the time arrived for the show to start, many realized there was a very long delay. One fan shared that due to organization problems, it seemed like hundreds of fans were left outside and had yet to enter the venue, which meant the show was delayed.

If that wasn’t enough, when fans walked into the venue, one fan shared that the stage had set on fire, and it wasn’t surprising that fans were worried for the idols’ safety.

There was a whole heap of other issues that fans pointed out, whether it was the voting, the delays, the camera work, and the issues with streaming. For many, it was disappointing for all the fans who paid so much money to attend and the idols who wanted to put on a show for their fans.

It’s not the first award show in recent months to be criticized, and you can read more about it below.

Netizens Criticize The “Poor” And “Boring” Execution Of The “2023 Asia Artist Awards”


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