RIIZE Wonbin’s Healthy Weight Gain Met With Praise From Netizens

Since the group was announced, RIIZE‘s Wonbin has always gained attention for his visuals.

The idol’s physique has also been discussed, with his height among the other members becoming a hot topic shortly after their debut. Another topic that has come up is Wonbin’s slim and trim features, with the idol previously sharing that he weighed around 55 kg.

Recently, Wonbin received praise from netizens after sharing his apparent weight gain!
Following the group’s encore concerts in Seoul, RIIZE took a nearly week-long vacation. Upon his return, Wonbin surprised fans by sharing that he had gained about 3 kg on Weverse.

I gained 3kg, you know? It seems like I gained weight because I haven’t been dancing.
This and several photos of the idol from a recent event were shared on a Korean forum, where the post went viral. The OP shared that they believed his cheeks had filled in more from previous photos, which other netizens commented on.

Netizens praised the idol’s weight gain and shared hopes that he would be able to stay healthy during the group’s upcoming promotions.
- “He became so cute”
- “Wow, he’s so pretty.”
- “He’s pretty, just like when he debuted. Did he lose more weight since then?”
- “It seems like he has gotten stronger after eating and resting well during his vacation. Also, I’m really happy thinking he probably got to heal properly during the break. Don’t lose weight. Those 3 kg are precious”
- “Looking much better. Don’t lose those 3 kg.”
- “I hope he doesn’t lose what he gained… Like, wow. He’s so good-looking.”