Netizens Tear Miss Korea Contestants Apart With Comments About Their Bikini Bodies

“They’re all bones and sticks. There’s nothing to see here.”

The 2018 Miss Korea winners visited Korea’s popular water park Ocean World and promoted some of their newest amusement rides by holding a bikini photoshoot!


Unfortunately, once the pictures were revealed, Korean netizens were not impressed with the winners’ looks.

  • “If I hadn’t heard, I would have never guessed they won Miss Korea.”

  • “Wow, I’ve seen tons of better bodies at the beach or water parks.”

  • “How so very average…”

  • “Well, it’s clear they starved themselves instead of working out to get those bodies because they are all so droopy.”

  • “Do these women never exercise?”

  • “The weather must be pretty hot. Look how all of them are super saggy.”


Netizens poured out hatred at these bikini pictures, pointing out that none of them look like they have “healthy” bodies.

  • “They’re jus skinny. This isn’t a representation of healthy bodies.”‘

  • “Why do they look like they have no muscles anywhere on their bodies?”

  • “Shouldn’t they have worked out for this photoshoot?”

  • “I can see that they are skinny, but… I can also see that they don’t work out.”

  • “This is simply embarrassing.”

  • “They’re all bones and sticks. There’s nothing to see here.”


Some comments have taken a step further to address the rising issue of feminism that is hot in Korea.

  • “I thought we’re trying not to objectify women. So why are these girls posing half naked for the camera?”

  • “Can we please, please, please stop beauty pageants?”

  • “What have these girls done to deserve these kind of comments about their bodies? This is just all so wrong and sickening.”


Despite the heavy criticism at large, many other Koreans still support the Miss Korea winning contestants for their dedication to representing and promoting Korea.

  • “Wow, look at all these sad, sour souls. These ladies are beautiful. Stop hating.”

  • “You all wouldn’t be able to say a word to these girls in person. Losers.”

  • “I don’t know what the deal is. I think they all have bangin’ bodies!”

Source: My Daily
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