NewJeans’ Minji Shares Concern Over The Younger Generation’s “Limited” Vocabulary

“I feel our range of expressing language is becoming narrower…”

During a recent livestream, NewJeans member Minji brought to attention a trend she has started to notice among the younger generation, which includes her younger sister.

Minji (NewJeans) | ADOR

She shared that her younger sister, who is in middle school, has been using a term that Minji simply doesn’t understand. It appears to be something that the younger generation has picked up on as a general whole, bewildering the K-Pop idol.

My younger sister is in middle school, and she says ‘That’s skrr’ for anything and everything. What is ‘skrr’? What is ‘This is skrr?’ ‘That’s skrr?’ What is it? That’s such a Gen Z thing. I don’t understand. Is it the ‘skrr skrr’ that I know?

— Minji (NewJeans)


And she didn’t stop there. Minji went on to share how it has made her worried about the “limited” vocabulary of today’s youth, and how it could be making it harder for them to express themselves effectively.

I feel our range of expressing language is becoming narrower… It’s my younger sister too, so I’m worried.

— Minji (NewJeans)

You can watch the clip of her pondering over this predicament below.

Reactions from Korean netizens are a mix of amusing and teasing. While some are equally as confused over the “skrr” term, others are describing Minji as “skrr” or are simply praising her visuals.










  • “Minji is really skrr.”
  • “I don’t understand lol.”
  • “Minji skrr.”
  • “No, but Minji is so beautiful that I can’t help but look at her.”
  • “Minji is more skrr than me…”
  • “Minji speaks like an announcer lol.”
  • “Minji is handsome. She’s pretty, but she’s also handsome.”
  • “What does skrr mean?”
  • “I like that she seems serious in a good way. She seems really thoughtful.”
  • “Minji is really smart.”


Do you use “skrr” in your everyday language?

Source: The Qoo


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