North and South Korea Agree To End The Korean War, Here’s What That Means

“A new history begins now.”

At the end of World War II, two major superpowers split the Korean Peninsula at the 38th parallel.

The division of North and South Korea. Picture: CNN.

The Soviet Union took to the north and the United States took to the south.


In 1950, many people believe that soldiers from the North Korean People’s Army invaded the south. After three years of destruction, the two Koreas ended their armed conflict when they signed an armistice agreement.

Soldiers during the Korean War. Photo: Reuters via CNN.

Although the two signed the agreement, they never signed a formal peace treated so they were technically still at war.


Throughout the years, the two Koreas have led an uneasy relationship but, after 68 years, that appears to finally be coming to an end.

Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae In made the announcement of their agreement at the DMZ. Photo: CNN.

The leader of North Korea Kim Jong Un and President Moon Jae In of South Korea just met for their historical summit and have made some exciting advances.


The summit started when Kim Jong Un stepped over onto South Korean territory and became the first North Korean leader to do so since 1953. The two leaders then greeted each other warmly before getting down to business.

The historic meeting of North and South Korea’s leaders. Photo: CNN.

They took part in a symbolic tree planting ceremony in the DMZ with each using soil from the opposite Korea to plant it.


What may be the most exciting development to come out of their meeting is the signing of the Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity, and Unification on the Korean Peninsula.

This document commits the two countries to a nuclear-free peninsula, talks to bring a formal end to the war, and promotes increased communication and cooperation.


The North has expressed interest in denuclearizing the country since 1985. After failing to stick to any promises, this document, along with Kim Jong Un’s words, show the country’s sincerity.

“I would like to join hands together between the two sides so that we can open up a new chapter in our history. We need to maintain peace and open a new era of co-prosperity to overcome challenges facing the Korean Peninsula. We are ready to display our commitment to building peace to the world.” — Kim Jong Un


One of the most important aspects of their agreement is the end of all hostile acts against each other. The two have agreed to cease hostile acts in every domain including land, air, and sea. Even the blaring of K-Pop across the border is set to stop.

They also plan to transform the demilitarized zone into the peace zone with changes in effect on May 1.


The agreement also puts in provisions for a host of other mutually beneficial and positive aspects that will likely strengthen both country’s economies and create better relationships with other nations.

The two Koreas have agreed to establish a joint liaison office, meet and speak more often, participate in international sporting events together, expand transportation lines, stop distributing propaganda along the border, and reunite families who were separated by the division of the Peninsula.


While this agreement not only promises a healthy and unified relationship between the two Koreas, it may also impact the K-Pop industry. Currently, all men are required serve in the Korean military for at least 2 years. If the two Koreas cease all hostile acts there would likely be no need for the draft.

This could possibly spell the end of hiatuses due to military enlistment.


As many groups are already multi-national, we may even see North Koreans joining with South Koreans to create new K-Pop groups!

Groups could also find themselves giving performances in the North and K-Pop idols could potentially be seen as ambassadors of the Korean Peninsula.


All in all this historic summit appears to bring a positive change to the world.

Moon Jae In and Kim Jong Un hold hands as they help each other over the block that marks the DMZ. Photo: CNN.
Source: CNN (1), (2) and (3)

2018 Inter-Korean Summit

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