“Nth Room” Kang Hoon Puts the Blame on Cho Joo Bin and Claims He’s Completely Different

Kang Hoon is claiming that he and Cho Joo Bin were not accomplices.

According to Kookmin Ilbo, Kang Hoon admitted to having participated in the operations of the Nth Rooms but stressed that what actually happened is different from what’s been reported on the news.

During the investigation, Kang Hoon claimed that he doesn’t know the main administrator, Cho Joo Bin and that all they did was talk on social media.

He stressed that he simply followed Cho Joo Bin’s orders and denied that he was an accomplice since they were on completely different levels in the chain.

Ahead of this claim, Cho Joo Bin named Kang Hoon as one of the 3 other co-operators of the Nth Rooms.

But it’s also been stressed that it’s not uncommon for accomplices to refuse responsibility and put the blame on each other during the court investigations.

The prosecution informant stated that they will conduct further investigation to determine what their relationship was like as they committed the crimes.

We need to further look into whether Kang Hoon and Cho Joo Bin were in the position of putting their arms around each other’s shoulders, or if they actually had a suboridinate-to-superior relationship.

– Prosecution Informant

Source: Insight

Nth Room Sex Abuse Case

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