Oli London Explains Why He Has “Never Overreacted” For Media Attention On Purpose

He was interviewed by former Crayon Pop member Way.

Former Crayon Pop member Way recently uploaded a video on her YouTube channel where she interviewed Oli London through a video call.

| @londonoli/Instagram

Aside from asking how he feels about people calling him “Jimin”, she also asked if he has ever overreacted for the sake of media attention.

According to Oli London, he has never overreacted on purpose.

He admitted, however, that the way he expresses himself can be considered “a little crazy” to some people.

As an example, he recalled his marriage to a cardboard cutout of Jimin in Las Vegas.

In his view, he is simply living out his life the way he wants to—doing what makes him happy.

He ended by explaining that he enjoys showing his love for K-Pop in different, spontaneous ways.

Watch the full video below:

Source: 웨이랜드 WayLand and @londonoli
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