ONF Fans Clap Back With Receipts Against WM’s Tour Agency For Defamation And Fraud

Recently, fans of ONF have exposed the agency WM Entertainment and its touring agency J&B Entertainment for leaking members’ information, revealing new album spoilers, and scamming fans.
On July 4, an X user posted screenshots of the chat room to bring light to the situation.
현재 공공연하게 논란이 되고 있는 투어 대행사 J&B의 “소수 인원에게만 혜택이 주어지는 운영 방식”을 포함한 여러 비정상적인 진행 내용, 그리고 이 모든걸 다 알고도 침묵하는 소속사 WM엔터테인먼트에 관한 내용을 공론화합니다. #온앤오프 #ONF #WM엔터테인먼트 #JNB #제이앤비엔터테인먼트
— . (@neugaebi136) July 4, 2024
I am publicly disclosing the details of the controversial tour agency J&B, including their method of giving ‘benefits to a small group of people’, and WM Entertainment, for staying silent regardless of knowing all of this.
The OP posted a thread of screenshots from the chatroom and other proof sent by fans to expose J&B Entertainment for their actions towards ONF and their fans.
Fans began sending in their receipts regarding the tour agency in hopes to make this issue known to more people.
On 05/09, a group of us sent an email and 7-page document to WM with concerns such as JNB posting ONF's hotel on his public Instagram account. We were never answered and the posts are still up#온앤오프 #ONF #WM엔터테인먼트 #JNB #제이앤비엔터테인먼트 #더블유엠과제이엔비는해명하라 https://t.co/nYdK8gtFlh pic.twitter.com/ENGghgT38y
— Mindy 🍎 (@ONFEnthusiast) July 4, 2024
JNB 영업 할 줄을 몰라서 팬에게 상담함
JNB DMed me, a random fan, on Christmas morning disclosing poor ticket sales for Be Here Now in Canada and asked how to save the tour#온앤오프 #ONF #WM엔터테인먼트 #JNB #제이앤비엔터테인먼트#더블유엠과제이앤비는해명하라 https://t.co/nYdK8gtFlh pic.twitter.com/vrDP5uBsFc— Mindy 🍎 (@ONFEnthusiast) July 4, 2024
Here’s our full DM history so you can see I really was just a random fan, and I tried hard to help because I love ONF. JNB ended up threatening to block me after mixing me up with another person I didn’t even know?? Bizarre company. pic.twitter.com/gl1EIxAtBV
— Mindy 🍎 (@ONFEnthusiast) July 4, 2024
One fan was curious as to why the North American and Asia platinum packages were different…
같은 플래티넘인데 특전은 왜 다를까요.. 더 비싼 가격에 단체사진, 하이터치, 멤버랑 같이 찍는 폴라까지 없어짐,,🥲 토요일 티켓팅 오기전에 피드백 좀 바라탁드립니다 https://t.co/8GQhTUqyKV
— ًً (@0803dB) July 3, 2024
…and this is the answer that was received.
그렇대요 pic.twitter.com/nnXKdvjEqu
— ًً (@0803dB) July 3, 2024
Other screenshots gave proof of their rude manner towards fans in the comments.
I’m in no way trying to make fun of their English ability, though I don’t understand why they don’t seem to even proofread their tweets. If they’re trying to joke with fans, it doesn’t come off that way. It’s just rude bordering on mean pic.twitter.com/yWv275apF7
— bunny (@hymn2rebirth) July 3, 2024
Trying to talk badly about fuse to other fuse?? “I’m not obligated to explain this to you” then don’t reply?? pic.twitter.com/IvUI9vCP9F
— bunny (@hymn2rebirth) July 3, 2024
This giveaway was a mess. Jnb was not clear at all with the rules and responded so unprofessionally when fans complained. Just a screenshot of the vague rules. Either I can’t find it or it was deleted but I remember seeing more like this pic.twitter.com/SnTFDZaprc
— bunny (@hymn2rebirth) July 3, 2024
They also frequently blocked fans and sent messages that confused fans more.
can i add that they blocked me yesterday, unblocked, then sent this earlier
what is even the ✂️ pic.twitter.com/yl5ph1TV8J
— ًً (@0803dB) July 4, 2024
One fan even revealed that they received a DM from J&B stating that they would provide an explanation regarding the “controversial content.”
“Controversial content” “We would like to inform you that there are many edits made by the devil.” ??? i don’t know if he’s making fun of my face or kfuses faces or EVERYONE’s faces pic.twitter.com/s7Gj7nSQx7
— bresunto (@catzwaltz) July 4, 2024
Fans also gathered screenshots of public posts made by the tour agency regarding the location and schedules of the members.
Below are screenshots of all public posts, from insta and x – these notes and images were all shared directly with wm and we can only assumed these were forwarded in their entirety to jnb as well. We never received a response or any action from the agency. https://t.co/fPGBWWBbSe pic.twitter.com/lXva8jzjga
— swirly 💡 (@1116dbs) July 5, 2024
Another fan revealed that they designed posters for them for free.
JNB asked me to design posters for each city & I voluntarily agreed, thinking that’s cool I can work on getting better at design. I enjoyed making the posters, but why does the company place responsibility on fans to promote the tour as free labor?#더블유엠과제이엔비는해명하라 https://t.co/fq12zMPkOA
— sophie💡 (@_sofuse) July 4, 2024
They also posted eight posters that had been designed by them.
(2/2) pic.twitter.com/RfUirXXW6N
— sophie💡 (@_sofuse) July 4, 2024
Meanwhile, WM and J&B Entertainment have yet to speak on the matter.