He Looks Exactly Like Park Bo Gum… But He’s Actually Just A High School Student

This high school student is Park Bo Gum’s twin!

Kim Min Seo is just a high school student, but he already has over 39,000 Instagram followers, because he is Park Bo Gum‘s doppelganger.


Kim Min Seo’s social networks blew up when pictures of himself resembling Park Bo Gum went viral.


He is actually a 17-year-old high school student from Busan’s Sindo High School.


In his pictures with his high school friends, it’s hard to believe he isn’t Park Bo Gum himself.


Even his unfiltered pictures at home show that he really does look very much like the actor.


Park Bo Gum’s “twin” had Sindo High School’s Facebook page flooded with questions about more info on him.


You can check out Kim Min Seo’s Instagram page here and see the wonder for yourself!

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