Comedian Park Na Rae Confirms Her Situationship With Fellow “I Live Alone” Star

Was it business, or was it real? Comedian Park Na Rae got honest about her “situationship” with her fellow I Live Alone star Kian84 in the latest episode of her YouTube show, “Naraesik.”

While Park Na Rae and Kian84 started off as co-stars of the beloved MBC show, there were moments—especially back in 2017-2018—when all of I Live Alone‘s cast and viewers rooted for the two to become something more.

Back in December 2017, when Park Na Rae and Kian84 won the “Best Couple” award at the 2017 MBC Entertainment Awards, Kian84 agreed to follow her up on her offer to tie the knot with him if she won Daesang…
If Na Rae wins Daesang… I mean, she offered first and I don’t think it’s right for me to back out of a woman’s promise. So… No, listen, we might get a divorce if we end up not working out. But I will keep her promise with her.
— Kian84
…and even kissed Park Na Rae on the forehead, fueling speculations around their relationship being “real.”

Then, in 2018, in celebration of I Live Alone‘s 5th anniversary, the cast traveled to Los Angeles, California—invited by actor Daniel Henney. Recalling this trip, guest Lee Si Eon asked if Park Na Rae ever had any real feelings for Kian84 and if the two had something going on while in LA.
To that, Park Na Rae was unafraid to admit that she and Kian84 were “in a situationship for sure.”
Lee Si Eon: Can I ask you something? I’ve been wondering about this for so long.
Park Na Rae: Of course, what is it?
Lee Si Eon: I’m not sure if you’d be able to use it in the video, though. It’s up to you.
Park Na Rae: Well then, try to ask me something that I can use.
Lee Si Eon: I was going to ask about Kian84. Remember when we went to the US? There was something between you and Kian84, no?
Park Na Rae: Oh, for sure.
Lee Si Eon: I mean, people knew about it. But as one of your closest friends, I feel like you two were actually serious. Like, you two really liked one another.
Park Na Rae: I can tell you right now that, yes, Kian84 and I were in a situationship. That is the truth. You knew this, didn’t you?
Lee Si Eon: I didn’t know you two were in a situationship. Is that OK to disclose?
Park Na Rae: Why not? We were two single adults.
Lee Si Eon: Is that how serious things got between you two?
Park Na Rae: See, I had a thing going with Yang Se Hyung, too. But I can tell you that he and I were business. I want to make that super clear. But with Kian84…?
Park Na Rae then tried calling Kian84 on the phone. After missing the call, Kian84 called her back—and his “gentleness” toward her has since rekindled the viewers’ hope for something romantic between the two.
- “You can hear the gentleness in Kian84’s voice, LOL. He should date her and then wed her.”
- “Kian84’s voice when he calls her back? It’s giving me butterflies.”
- “I listened to the phone conversation twice because of how sweet Kian84 sounds. I’m all flustered.”
- “I love Kian84’s tone with her, haha. So gentle and sweet.”
- “I want to know more about this situationship! I Live Alone was great when Lee Si Eon, Park Na Rae, Kian84, and Han Hye Jin were all there.”
- “I used to ship Kian84 and Park Na Rae. People basically pushed them into that situationship for sure, LOL. But the two of them would have been so good together.”