Photo Of North Korean Coaches Cheering On South Korean Athlete Goes Viral

It’s a photo to last through history.

During the Men’s Cross Country Skiing 15km+15km Skiathlon, South Korean skier Kim Eun Ho fell behind and ended up alone in the race.


He began losing hope as he was far behind the rest of the other competitors.


When all of a sudden, he heard cheers of support from two North Korean trainers!


Two North Korean coaches who came to train their own athletes, saw the Kim Eun Ho and in the spirit of the Olympics began encouraging him.

Although Kim Eun Ho was eventually disqualified when he was lapped by the leader, the photo became a source of celebration around the world.


Anchor Kim Eo Joon announced that the photo will go down in history as a beautiful moment that melted the tension between the two countries.

“Main news portals will turn a blind eye to photos like this that symbolize the Pyeongchang Olympics, and instead focus on photos that increase friction. But a photo like this that shows North Korea supporting a South Korean athlete, will go down history.” — Kim Eo Joon


Kim Eun Ho will be taking the momentum to soar through the men’s 50km on February 24th.


Source: The Korean Times

2018 Korea Winter Olympics

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