Popular Actress Announces Divorce Only 8 Months After Marrying Her Husband Amid Accusations Of Domestic Abuse

Rumors of domestic violence between them had been

Content Warning

This article includes descriptions of violence that may disturb some readers.

In a shocking move, top actress Li Yan Jing has announced her divorce from her husband just eight months after their wedding. Li took to her personal social media to address her followers, aiming to dispel the swirling rumors about the reasons behind their split.

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| Yahoo

Prior to Li Yan Jing’s announcement, Rumors had been circulating that Li and her husband often quarreled over financial issues and differences in values. These conflicts allegedly escalated into physical altercations, prompting friends and family to bring the matter to the media’s attention.

However, Li firmly denied any allegations of violence in her Facebook post, where she clarified why the couple had decided to divorce.

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| tvreport

“Thank you all for your concern. My ex-husband has already clarified everything: there were no financial disputes, no domestic violence,” Li explained. She went on to reveal that her busy schedule played a significant role in their separation.

I was just too busy, and I didn’t want to leave him living like a widow. He was always very gentle with me, knew when I was tired, and when my legs cramped, he would massage them for me until I fell asleep without realizing it.

— Li Yan Jing

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| Yahoo

The physical distance between them, with the actress based in the south and her husband in the north, added to their challenges. “After all, neither of us could easily give up our careers.,” Li noted.

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The husband publicly proposed to Li last year. | tvreport  

Despite their decision to part ways, Li shared that they ended things amicably. The actress emphasized that there were no legal battles or demands for alimony. You can read Li Yan Jing’s full Facebook post below:

Thank you all for your concern, and I hope people won’t make groundless accusations. My ex-husband has already clarified everything: there were no financial disputes, no domestic violence.

I was just too busy, and I didn’t want to leave him living like a widow. He was always very gentle with me, knew when I was tired, and when my legs cramped, he would massage them for me until I fell asleep without realizing it. The distance between us, with one in the south and one in the north, was also a big factor. After all, neither of us could easily give up our careers.

Even yesterday, we talked on the phone and hugged each other after signing the divorce papers. We both felt sorry about the situation with Huayu Reproductive Medicine Center, considering my physical inability to handle work if I became pregnant. We still kept in touch after the divorce. He said we would always be family, and if there’s a chance, he would like to marry me again.

If the rumors were true, we would have had a complete fall out, fought a divorce battle, and demanded alimony, but none of that happened. I didn’t even ask for alimony. I told him we should each live our best lives! We have nothing but best wishes for each other.

Alright, I need to get back to work now. I still have a live broadcast to do tonight!

— Li Yan Jing via Facebook

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Photo attached to her statement by Li. | 李妍憬 /Facebook
Source: Facebook and tvreport
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