Popular Singer Blackmailed With Private Photos, Perpetrators Turn Out To Be Gang-Affiliated Criminals

According to reports, the Seoul Gangnam Police Station has arrested two men for blackmailing a popular singer with their private photos to extort money.

On March 19. KST Channel A reported that Gangnam Police had arrested the men on March 17 for blackmailing singer A. The investigation revealed that the two had come into possession of an old mobile phone used by the singer in the past. They discovered the data stored on the device and obtained some private pictures.
The men attempted to use the photos as leverage and blackmailed the singer, demanding ₩500 million KRW (about $343,000 USD) in cash. After learning of the blackmail attempt, singer A’s agency immediately reported it to the police. The authorities launched an investigation without delays and eventually arrested the suspects within one week. The two men were caught at an undisclosed location in Yangpyeong, Gyeonggi Province.
The suspects were revealed to be history sheeters through their involvement with a notorious criminal gang. According to reports, a third person is involved in this crime, an accomplice, who remains at large. The police are working toward tracking their whereabouts.
Law enforcement authorities have vowed to take stringent actions against such criminal activities, highlighting the severity of blackmail-related crimes involving high-profile individuals. While the manhunt for the third suspect is ongoing, the police have urged the individual to surrender and avoid harsher legal repercussions.