Prestigious Korean University Students Caught Exchanging Deepfakes Of Female Students In Massive Sex Chat Room

There are reportedly over 30 victims.

Content Warning

This article includes descriptions of sexual assault that may disturb some readers.

Students at the Inha University in Incheon, South Korea, have been exposed to have engaged in digital sex crimes through a Telegram chat room, as per latest reports.

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Inha University |

On August 19, South Korean police revealed that they recently discovered a Telegram chat room circulating digital sex crime materials that was operating from Inha University. The chat has been active since 2020, with over 1,200 participants who shared nude pictures of women created through deepfake and AI. Most of these pictures featured faces of current female students of graduates of the university superimposed on the bodies of other women.

Apart from these explicit photos, the chat room also circulated the personal information of the victims, including contact information and student ID numbers. Reports have also stated that the participants also shared audio files of the victims saying sexually provocative phrases, which were also created using AI. So far, more than 30 victims have been identified.

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Image used for illustrative purposes | Hankyoreh

The chat room was exposed when a graduate of Inha University, who was also a victim, learned about its existence last year. She faced extreme harassment with messages asking if it was really her in those photos. At the end of 2023, she filed a complaint with the Incheon Michuhol Polie Station and in February, the university also requested an investigation from the Incheon Police Agency. Currently, the case is being handled by their Cyber Crime Investigation Unit.

Source: Hankyoreh

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