PSY’s “2024 PSY Wet Show” Concert Reported To Police For Being A Public Nuisance

Rehearsals disrupted their sleep.

PSY hosts his ever-popular concert, PSY Wet Show, every year. Each year, the tickets get fully sold out within hours, thanks to his public appeal. The concert also contains a water segment, where audience members are blasted with water, providing relief in the scorching sun.

PSY’s concert. | Korea Herald

Recently, a netizen uploaded a photo to an online community. They complained that rehearsals for the show went all the way until early hours of dawn, causing disruption to those living in the vicinity. Not only was sound an issue, but the lighting rehearsals disrupted their sleep with lasers and strong lights.

Is it okay for them to be flashing those lights from 10pm onwards? They were like that even until 1am. Even if I close my curtains, the light comes in. They shoot lasers in all sorts of colors, and use huge spotlights so I can’t sleep. Please just let me sleep. Just as I am about to fall asleep, the lights flash once more. Light comes in every time the lighting structure turns. There’s no use reporting it to the police, as they turn it on again in a different direction. They’re too much.

Uploaded photo. | theqoo

The accompanying photo shows how strong light comes in through their windows. It was said that the netizen reported the matter to the civil bureau and the police, but the rehearsals kept going on until 3am. The show will take place at Seoul Grand Park on July 20 and 21, 2024.

Source: theqoo


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