5th Gen K-Pop Idol Binge-Read The Bible… Because Of Anime

She was obsessed!

QWER’s Chodan and Magenta recently joined KISS OF LIFE‘s Julie and Haneul for Musinsa Life Update 3. Haneul, the self-professed anime lover of her group, was able to bond with the die-hard anime geeks of QWER.

Magenta shocked netizens by revealing just how deep into the fandom she was. She confessed she got really into the Japanese mecha anime franchise Neon Genesis Evangelion (also known as New Century Evangelion in Japanese or simply Evangelion or Eva).

| IMDb

As it has many Christian themes, Magenta decided to binge-read the original source: The Bible. She confessed she was “so obsessed” with Evangelion that she “binge-read” The Bible.

The series has been described as a deconstruction of the mecha genre, and features archetypal imagery derived from Shinto cosmology as well as Jewish and Christian mystical traditions, including Midrashic tales and Kabbalah. The psychoanalytic accounts of human behavior put forward by Freud and Jung are also prominently featured.

— Wikipedia

While the original episode only has 63K views, the clip went viral with 2.4M views and counting on X (formerly Twitter). Netizens couldn’t believe Magenta’s dedication, as The Bible is estimated to take 65-75 hours to read with 1,200 pages.

Netizens joked that Magenta really “read the lore” of the anime. Some even commented that the anime can get more people to read The Bible than churches.

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