Rapper Ch1tkey Makes Dangerous Claims On First Livestream After Faking His Death

He takes pride in staging his death.

After faking his death to promote his music, rapper Ch1tkey lashed out at his critics during a recent livestream.

Ch1tkey | Nate News

On July 31, the rapper hosted a livestream where many netizens reprimanded him for staging his own death. Ch1tkey responded rather aggressively, blaming himself for being too smart in his comeback planning.

I’m not just seeking attention. I tried to make a comeback with my album, but I ended up being so smart that I deceived even my family. So the police and reporters came to my house, and news reports came out.

— Ch1tkey

He also mentioned that when the police arrived at his residence, he had a friend hide him but eventually got caught while stepping out to go to the convenience store.

Ch1tkey during the livestream

Ch1tkey continued making cryptic claims during this broadcast, such as he came back to life after making a pact with God.

God told me that I am good and Korean people are bad. So pretending to be moral while doing bad things online is wrong. What I’m doing is ‘what God wanted,’ according to what God told me.

— Ch1tkey

The rapper also made a dangerous confession, saying that he plans to carry around a chainsaw with him as a replacement since he could get caught if he carried a gun. He added, “I’m planning to eat human flesh,” leaving viewers in shock. Ch1tkey showed no remorse for spreading the death hoax and instead took pride in it.


Meanwhile, Ch1tkey staged his own death recently, and it was reported that he had fallen to his death while recording a video on the rooftop of a building. His girlfriend and friends also posted messages mourning him, leading people to believe the hoax. You can read more about it here.

Source: TV Report
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