Read Choi Is Getting Canceled (Again) By Fellow TikTokers For Allegedly Taking Advantage Of Women

Popular TikToker Read Choi has been accused of a lot, including “stealing money from an elderly homeless person.”

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This article includes descriptions of graphic content that may disturb some readers.

If you’re on TikTok at all, you’ve likely seen a Read Choi video once or twice or are even following him.

Read Choi | @choi_read/Twitter

Read Choi is a Korean American content creator. While he is also a YouTuber and social media influencer, a large following of his audience comes from TikTok, where he has a total of 3 million followers. He is known for posting a variety of content, especially comedic videos.

While he was a popular creator on TikTok for some time now, in the past few months, there has been an increase of unfollowing to his account as well as a slew of negative comments on his videos. The reason for this is other TikTokers.

His ex-girlfriend Gina Darling (@helloginadarling on TikTok) is another popular content creator. She recently revealed some personal details about Read that have had their followers looking at him in a whole new light.

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Gina and Read dated from December 2020 until breaking up in March of 2021. Shortly after the breakup, Read began seeing a girl he met online, much to Gina’s surprise, considering he had previously criticized dating apps.

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Since then, Gina became suspicious and connected with other girls who had dated him in the past. She also tested positive for Chlamydia during this time, realizing that Read had slept with her, knowingly giving her an STD.

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This is what ultimately provoked her. Knowing that he had used her and multiple other girls for “clout,” she decided to break her silence along with TikToker Paula (@paulaseesawn) and let their fans know that Read is not at all like the online persona he portrays.

In her tell-all videos on TikTok, she reveals that he was manipulative, racist, misogynist, and rude in person. She said that he put women at risk and continually lies.

During this time, mutual friends of both Read and Gina came out in their support for her. Saint Yim (@saintyim on TikTok) also posted a series of videos, calling Read out.

After Gina’s series of 10 videos of accusations went out, Read publicly apologized, not on TikTok, where most of their followers are. No, he posted it to Instagram, where he has less than a million followers. In his now-deleted post, he confessed that the accusations were true.

I have mistreated these women, and for that, I am deeply sorry. And you are right, I should have said sorry sooner, but I did not, and for that, I am sorry as well.

— Read Choi

| @readchoi/Instagram

Regarding his promiscuity and giving women Chlamydia, he said he was ignorant of the severity of the situation. He claimed that he did not even think he had it due to a lack of symptoms.

I was simply uneducated. I showed no symptoms and so, like an idiot, I did not think I had it. But as soon as I heard Gina got Chlamydia, I realized my mistake, and I apologized to her, I got tested have educated myself, and am currently getting treated.

— Read Choi

| @readchoi/Instagram

In his apology, he claimed that he had been attempting to escape his personal pain through “sex,” essentially viewing women as a solution to his problem. He concluded by saying that he was going to seek more healthy and professional help to his problems.

I am seeking professional help, as well as, looking for other ways to deal with my problems in a healthy/ productive way.

— Read Choi

It’s been just a few months now, and he’s on the brink of being canceled a second time. Another TikToker has come out to say that he fears that Read has yet again taken advantage of a woman, but not in the way you would expect.

Read Choi | @readchoi/Instagram

Shortly after Gina’s accusations came out, he took a break from mid-March into April before returning to TikTok in May. He started posting his usual comedic content again before, one day in June, posting a video in which he showed himself helping an elderly homeless woman, whom he referred to as Martha. The video went viral with over 2 million views, and many viewers wanted to believe he had truly changed for the better.

With her permission, she allowed us to film, and I made this video hoping to help her out while at the same time spread awareness about elderly homelessness.

— Read Choi

From then on, it was the usual content again. It was not until the end of July, after the death of his grandfather, that he posted an update with Martha. He thanked his fans, known as “Mochois,” for donating so he could better help her.

For August, there were no more Martha updates. Actually, there were no videos at all posted to his main page. During this time, he continued posting on a “spam” account (@notreadchoi) in which he shared videos that were inconsistent with what we now know about him. For example, he would post videos like “How to know if a guy is toxic,” claiming he would know since he “used to be very toxic.”

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It’s only recently that Read started posting to his main account again, and it was only comedy videos. So, many donators were left confused and wondering what truly happened to the money that they donated. Did it really go to Martha, and how was she doing? Dthekorean (also known as D), another TikToker, called Read out with a video, asking to know where his money went to as Read had failed to update.

When I asked you what you did with the money, you ghosted me. Now we want answers. If what you did to my friend @missginadarling and many other women wasn’t enough, you’re going to steal 20k?

— Dthekorean (Instagram)

During this time, D reached out to Martha herself, even coming to find out that her name isn’t even Martha— It’s actually Marcia. She told him that she didn’t know anything about the donated money in a short video call. In the comment section of his post, he added, “She also said he stays for like a minute and leaves.” 

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Shortly after Dthekorean’s videos, Read posted another update. This time, he rejected any claims, saying that “Martha” has poor memory, and he is concerned about how she’d spend the money, so he is spending it on her behalf, helping her get what she needs.

The reason why I won’t share receipts is multi-faceted but mainly bc one I do not want to expose her anymore than I have to. I have revealed the biggest bills anyway, her room fees.

— Read Choi

D responded to Read’s video, calling him out for deleting comments. He also let him and his followers know that he would be posting more of his own updates with Marcia.

| @readchoi/Instagram & @dthekorean/Instagram

Read posted yet another update, responding to questions and comments people had regarding the issue. Still, although he claimed to have been visiting Marcia every day, he kept referring to her as Martha, which is apparently not her name.

Read also directly addressed D’s video with Marcia, claiming that she doesn’t take well to strangers and that it was insensitive to “prod them with questions.” However, it was essentially what he had done to her himself the very first time he met her.

He came back with another post, this time, showing an email conversation between him and GoFundMe, attempting to clarify that he has always said from the beginning that he would not give the money directly to Marcia.

I have been clear from the beginning that I was not going to give her the money upfront, and that I was going to use it to buy her food, water, shelter, etc, and I have been doing exactly that.

— Read Choi

Yet, the email messages looked odd. Why do the fonts of the emails differ with each screenshot he showed?

| @readchoi/Instagram 
| @readchoi/Instagram

With so many narratives going around from both Read and D, people began to question everything. Some started interrogating D after Read referred to his call with Marcia as an “interrogation.”

Many were curious as to why D had yet to post another video of his call with Marcia despite saying he would. Over a day has passed, and he has still yet to post. So, he took to Instagram to explain that he plans to upload the entirety of the 40-minute long call.

| @dthekorean/Instagram

He forewarned Read, saying that what Marcia says does not align with what he has said. He suggests that Read has been telling her to say certain things to fit his own story.

| @dthekorean/Instagram

He also responded to direct messages, accusing him of using her for clout as well. He defended himself, saying that he “donated a huge sum of money for this cause,” and he actually hopes to be proven wrong about this whole thing.

| @dthekorean/Instagram
| @dthekorean/Instagram

Since D posted his videos regarding the issue, Gina Darling has returned the support, commenting on both of his videos on TikTok.

| @dthekorean/TikTok & @helloginadarling/TikTok
| @dthekorean/TikTok & @helloginadarling/TikTok

She also commented on D’s Instagram to both defend and commend him. Furthermore, she opposed what Read had previously claimed.

| @dthekorean/Instagram & @missginadarling/Instagram

As time continues to progress, even more of Read’s fellow TikTokers are coming out to “expose Read Choi.” As Cho (@_mynameischo on TikTok) points out, Marcia didn’t even appear in Read’s latest video, which seems suspicious since she was in D’s.

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There’s a lot of sides to the story here. Watch more of it unfold below:

Source: @saintyim, @readchoi, @helloginadarling and @dthekorean
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