Red Velvet Discuss Dating And What They Honestly Think Of “Bad Boys”

Here’s what the Red Velvet members think about “bad boys”.

During Choi Hwa Jeong’s Power Time Talk, the Red Velvet members talked about what kind of personality fits the “bad boy” style.

Seulgi revealed that she thinks men who lie are considered bad boys.

“I think bad boys or girls are people who lie.” — Seulgi

Irene agreed with Choi Hwa Jeong when she said that bad boys lie, break promises, and disappear off the grid without notice.

“Bad boys are people that I can’t get a hold of.” — Irene

Wendy, on the other hand, said that she thinks bad boys are the types that don’t make you feel loved.

“I think if I don’t feel loved or taken care of, that constitutes a bad boy.” — Wendy

When Choi Hwa Jeong asked if they dated a bad boy or a nice boy before, all three members responded that they haven’t dated either or to know what that means.

But they all agreed that they wouldn’t like to date the bad boy type.

On the other hand, Choi Hwa Jeong asked if there was a “bad girl” among the Red Velvet members and Seulgi gave a stern “no”.

“I think bad boys and bad girls lie but no one in our group lies.” — Seulgi

Seulgi, Irene and Wendy were nothing but full of giggles while talking about the “bad boy” type!

Source: Sports Seoul

Red Velvet

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