Red Velvet’s Irene Personally Apologizes To Stylist For Her Poor Attitude Controversy

Irene personally apologized.

Red Velvet‘s Irene has personally apologized following the recent controversy regarding her behavior towards a stylist that came out earlier today.

First, SM Entertainment made an official statement to announce that Irene personally met up with the stylist who posted the original post. Irene sat down and apologized for her behavior.

This is SM Entertainment.

We would like to comment about the article that was posted about Irene by a stylist.

Irene met the stylist in person this afternoon, and sincerely apologized for the pain she caused the stylist due to her careless attitude and emotional outbursts and actions. We are very sorry for concerning many people with her immature image.

— SM Entertainment

SM Entertainment also stated that they feel responsible for the incident and vowed to change.

We also feel responsible for this. We can’t forget the hard work put in by all of the staff for both the company and the artists. We will make sure that something like this does not happen again, for everyone we work with.

Once again, we would like to apologize for causing concern to so many people.

— SM Entertainment

Irene soon followed up with her own statement through a post on her personal Instagram. With a blacked-out image, she apologized for her past behavior in the captions.

View this post on Instagram

아이린입니다. 저의 어리석은 태도와 경솔한 언행으로 스타일리스트 분께 마음의 상처를 드려 진심으로 죄송합니다. 제가 이 자리에 있기까지 함께 노력해주신 많은 분들의 도움이 있었는데 성숙하지 못한 행동으로 큰 상처를 드린 점 후회하고 반성하고 있습니다. 이번 일을 통해 지난 시간을 되돌아 보니 저의 부족한 언행이 많이 부끄러웠고 스태프분들의 소중함을 다시 한번 느끼게되었습니다. 앞으로는 이런 일이 없도록 더욱 신중히 생각하고 행동하겠습니다. 부족한 저를 응원해 주시는 팬 여러분과 이번 일로 인해 심려를 끼쳐드린 모든 분들께 진심으로 죄송합니다.

A post shared by IRENE (@renebaebae) on

This is Irene.

I sincerely apologize for hurting the stylist with my foolish attitude and careless words and actions.

I am regretting and reflecting on the fact that I have hurt many people who have worked with me up to this point, due to my immature behavior.

The recent happenings helped me look back on my past, and I am feeling ashamed of my lacking behavior, actions, and words. I have once again realized the importance of our staff members.

— Irene

Irene also personally vowed to change for the better in the future.

I will think and act more carefully in the future, so this does not happen again.

I would like to sincerely apologize to the fans who support me and all the people who have been concerned about this incident.

— Irene

Earlier in the day, an anonymous stylist released a post targeting an idol who had poor “attitude”. The hints attached to the post targeted a Red Velvet member, which some netizens thought was Irene. While many Reveluvs went to defend her, the situation escalated when other production staff members came forward to agree with the original stylist’s claims.

Source: Mydaily

Red Velvet Irene's Attitude Controversy

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