Red Velvet’s Joy Panics Over Fireworks Again And Fans Are Furious With Her Management

They want the best for Joy.

While performing “Red Flavor” at the 2019 Dream Concert in Seoul, Korea, Red Velvet‘s Joy panicked a little bit on stage because of the fireworks – and her fans are now completely fed up with her managing agency and stage producers for disregarding her trauma as a non issue.


Toward the end of Red Velvet’s performance of the song, the fireworks went off about four times. Each time, Joy can be seen flinching to the sound – all the while trying to be professional and dancing to the music. By the third fire, Joy has her hand over her face and looks completely distressed.


Once the fireworks died down, Joy resumed dancing and singing normally. It has, however, triggered all of Red Velvet’s fans to start complaining about her treatment.  Some of the fans have noticed that Joy’s reaction to these fireworks have recently gotten worse. They voiced a serious concern for Joy’s well being, as continued exposure to these traumatic experiences can lead to more damage to her mental health.


Only a couple weeks ago, Joy was seen running off the stage at another concert, after the fireworks went off unexpectedly and triggering her trauma. Later Joy personally apologized for the incident on Red Velvet’s official Instagram account and fans encouraged her for speaking up about it.

Red Velvet’s Joy Ran Off The Stage After Fireworks Went Off


Red Velvet fans are now actively asking the management to take Joy’s fear of fireworks as a serious condition and arrange no fireworks in the group’s future performances.

Watch the full Dream Concert performance below:

Red Velvet

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