Red Velvet’s Seulgi Talks About Being Lazy, The Last Time She Praised Herself, And What She Thinks About Sincerity

She constantly brings her best.

Red Velvet’s Seulgi has been chosen to be the muse for Allure magazine’s September 2020 issue. For this issue, she held a fun photo shoot wearing Converse with a more feminine look. She also sat down for an interview to get to know her on a deeper level.

| Allure Korea

They say sensitive people use up more energy because they are aware of various situations. What type of person are you?

I am good at being aware of things. I am also the type to leave those things alone so that it can have a bit of time on its own. It becomes calm quite quickly if you let time pass.

— Seulgi

| Allure Korea

You once said, “I love dancing but I am not a professional dancer.” It sounds humble, but it also sounds like something only people with the expertise can say. What is the difference between a professional dancer and a K-Pop artist?

That’s a really difficult question. Professional dancers seem to focus their time and effort in one place. For us, we are able to express a variety of things. We have to be caught in the screen, right? The dancers’ stage is much wider. We always have to think about the public eye, but dancers are able to focus on themselves. It’s a relationship that gives us good inspiration and creates synergy.

— Seulgi

| Allure Korea

Even if you aren’t a fan, if it’s popular music, there will be listeners. How does it feel to meet someone that likes Red Velvet’s music but doesn’t know much about the members?

It feels good! It makes it worth it and pushes me to work harder. Red Velvet’s voices work well together. They have really unique music? They are a fun group? I think it would be nice for people to think of us like this.

— Seulgi

| Allure Korea

Isn’t that the charm of Red Velvet?

That would be great.

— Seulgi

Red Velvet debuted in 2014. Is there anything you want to say to yourself who has come this far?

I’m the type to use a carrot and stick approach so I don’t know if there is anything to praise…but it just seems like I always worked hard. I think I did my best in everything.

— Seulgi

| Allure Korea

When are you lazy?

Except when I am working, I am always lazy. I think I save up my energy and use it when I’m working. So I think that’s why I always did my best at that time. My job is one that can influence someone, right? So I think I tried even harder. ‘I worked harder after seeing Seulgi.’ I am the happiest when I hear these words. It makes me want to do better first. So I always tried to keep true to that.

— Seulgi

| Allure Korea

We live in an era where the value of ‘sincerity’ seems to have faded. You seem to live with sincerity. Do you like people who are sincere?

I think it’s good that I have this tendency (laughs). Everyone is sincere and seeing someone like that makes them more likeable. My job as a celebrity grows from receiving attention and praise from others. I’m actually not that sincere but I am grateful for having this image. It makes me think I have worked hard.

— Seulgi

| Allure Korea

Do you ever feel like you’re a genius?

No (laughs). I am always trying.

— Seulgi

When was the most recent time you praised yourself?

When I didn’t get anything wrong on stage, I hug myself and say, ‘Seulgi, you did well.’ I was so nervous for our unit group that I even woke up in the middle of the night and started dancing. While practicing, there was one part that I kept getting wrong so it made me nervous. When I performed it the next day, I didn’t get it wrong. I didn’t get anything wrong that whole week. When I monitor the performance, I get strength from the support and words from the fans. Our fans always know how much hard work and effort we put into it. Whenever I hear things like Seulgi really improved or this is really cool, it makes it seem like I really did well (laughs).

— Seulgi

Fans of Red Velvet and Seulgi know just how hard they work to bring the best for their fans. We hope to hear more amazing music from the group in the future! Check out Allure’s website for more from the interview.

Red Velvet

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