RIIZE Takes The Dress Code A Bit Too Seriously During Live Broadcast

On September 3, RIIZE held a live broadcast to celebrate their one-year debut anniversary with fans.

The members dressed in a pajama theme as they interacted with fans.

During the live, the members discussed the dress code for the fan-con in Seoul and caused even more chaos in the fandom. While most dress codes for concerts were choosing a color, the boys began an all-out presentation with drawings.
라이즈야 이게 뭐냐고
드코 정해달라고 했더니
디자인을 하냐고
브리즈 사회적 체면을 생각을 안해주는거냐고 pic.twitter.com/Q90DbUYRM2— 삔삐 (@whenluvwins) September 3, 2024
RIIZE, what is this? We asked for you to choose a dress code, but you guys are going all out designing it. Please think about BRIIZE’s social status too.
🧡라이즈 앙콘 드코🧡
첫콘 : 흰티에 주황색 포인트
중콘 : 청청, 아님 위에만 청
막콘 : 하늘색 상의 + 선글라스 또는 비니…?— 도리 (@diamond_0319) September 3, 2024
RIIZE dress code for the encore concert
- Day1: White shirt with a pop of orange
- Day2: denim on denim or just a denim top
- Day3: Sky blue top and sunglasses or a beanie?
Anton even drew out the dress code outfits for fans!
Fans watching the broadcast were taken aback at how “elaborate” the dress code had become. Fans even started posting hilarious “expectation vs reality” photos of how they would look if they wore outfits according to the dress code.
라이즈가 정해준 브리즈 앙콘 3일 드코가 이거라는데 구라겠지 pic.twitter.com/Qp8SjtnBKv
— 컁이 (@kyangyii) September 3, 2024
The dress code that RIIZE chose for the three-day encore concert is this….tell me this is a lie.
— 똔끼 (@ddonkkii) September 3, 2024
Ok, sure.
라이즈 라방 드코 요약 pic.twitter.com/ZkUAK0N8m6— 정신승리 (@jeongsinwinner) September 3, 2024
My summary of the dress code from RIIZE’s live broadcast.
라이즈 앙콘 드레스코드 day1 공구합니다#라이즈 #앙콘 #드코 pic.twitter.com/wVDX7f2SwB
— 𝑅𝐼𝑉 (@186×184) September 3, 2024
Taking group orders for RIIZE’s concert day one dress code!
라이즈 착한 줄 알았더니 드코로 본인 샤라웃하네 pic.twitter.com/24UklvKqNN
— 오브 (@chyanbab) September 3, 2024
I thought RIIZE were nice guys, but he’s just giving himself a shout out with the dress code.
그러니까 지금 이게 우리 모습이라는 거지?
브리즈가 정해주는 라이즈 드코 당장 가져오세요. pic.twitter.com/Ou6ZBCI6U5— 𝑆𝐸𝑂𝐿𝑇𝑂𝑁 (@seolton) September 3, 2024
So you’re saying this is how we will look, right? Please give us a dress code that BRIIZE has chosen.
What are your thoughts on the dress code? On the other hand, check out the full broadcast below!