RIIZE Member Faces Dating Allegations Sparked By Viral Photo

The photos have sparked a heated debate.

RIIZE‘s Seungchan is being suspected of dating.

Sungchan | Pinterest

On July 15, a post titled “Is Sungchan Dating Someone?” went viral. In the post, a netizen uploaded a photo of Sungchan smiling while on his phone.

Nate Pann

The post’s author then claims that Sungchan smiling while using his phone must mean that he’s dating.

He keeps smiling and laughing while using his phone. Is he texting his girlfriend?

— Author

The post has sparked a fierce reaction, with netizens debating whether the dating allegations were warranted.

Screenshot 2024-07-16 at 12.37.04 PM

  • “Idols can’t even laugh at their phones now, LOL. Don’t you laugh, whenever you laugh you cause me sadness, LOL.”
  • “Whenever an idol is leaning against a closet, staircase, or wall while using their phone, they are 100% dating.”
  • “You don’t think Sungchan has ever dated? Idols date even if they are so busy, they do it in secret.”
  • “Is he putting his shoes on the chair?”
  • “I don’t care if Sungchan is dating or not. The issue is he is wearing his shoes on the sofa when other idols will use them. I think the fact that he is so inconsiderate is the real problem. Did Sungchan not learn basic etiquette?”
  • “Are you sad because of Sungchan?”
  • “Seriously, stop.”

What are your thoughts?


Source: nate pann


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